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    Your Elvenar Team

Graphics Option to disable road connection notification.


I'm writing to request an option to turn off the "no road connection" icons.

Given that the wood elves culture buildings require a road connection to produce mana, but they do not require a road connection to provide culture, I anticipate having a large number of these culture buildings that are not attached to any roads. For example, a Wood Ghost's Housing that is not connected to roads still produces 152 culture in 1 square, while the previous best culture from a 1x1 building was the Classy Lantern. As a result, I am now replacing many Classy Lanterns with Wood Ghost's Housings.

But replacing my "corner-filler" culture buildings with wood elf culture buildings has a negative side-effect, not in game terms, but in aesthetics. The corners and small spaces of my town are filling up with little bobbing notifications that things are not connected to a road. It's ugly.

Where a co-worker once saw my game and said, "that's a nice looking city. Can you forward me a link so I can try the game?" I now get comments "Why is everything broken?"

The aesthetics of my city matter to me. They should also matter to anyone interested in bringing friends into the game. By giving me an option to turn off all the annoying little red symbols, you could help me maintain an aesthetically pleasing city, which I might want my friends to see.


Well-Known Member
Great Idea - However, I see a problem - if it's a blanket turn off - then you are no longer being alerted if there is a building that you want connected and it's not.


I'm not even near wood elves, but I can see that being a problem. Aesthetics matter to me as well...


Great Idea - However, I see a problem - if it's a blanket turn off - then you are no longer being alerted if there is a building that you want connected and it's not.

I agree.

What should happen is no 1x1 building should be producing anything except for a little bit of culture. The devs even said that not all future cultural buildings will produce mana, so why did they make a 1x1 that does? You know whats terrible? Trying to collect productions from 1x2 or 2x1 buildings, they are soo tiny and it is very annoying. I can imagine a 1x1 being even more annoying when it fills your city with blue mana and you have to try multiple times to click in the right spot to hit the building.

For me, it's a not on removing the red icon for broken street connection. But a big yes to saying that there should not be any 1x1 that produces anything ever.


I agree, if a building is going to need a road to produce in-game items, it should be at least two squares in total size. However, some buildings provide a small amount of points for everyone in a Fellowship, or gives a small amount of goods, coins, or supplies per day without being attached to a road. Overall, I think they should either keep the mana production and make it to where it doesn't need a road, or just remove the production alltogether.


Wolfsinger has a good point here.

In my mind, I notice if (for example) and manufactory's animation is not going. But sometimes I miss stuff and the bouncy red symbol makes it very hard to miss. This could be rough if you missed your barracks being disconnected, and the barracks animations are not as obvious as, say, a dust manufactory.

But I'm thinking about a game option here. Maybe instead of on/off, there could be a drop down with like 3 settings to choose between or similar?


Just make it to where Residences, Workshops, Manufactories, Portals, Armories, the Trader, the Barracks and the Main Hall do require roads and everything else doesn't.


The devs have re-designed cultural buildings to require roads, I like that feature. It makes a player really think about their city design. Players want to use as little pathway space as possible so they have more space for buildings. Right now, it's not aesthetically pleasing to see a large portion of the city covered on the same cultural building.

Now, it's more about strategy and design. No longer can players be lazy and just throw out a bunch of cultural buildings in a field by themselves and if they do, they will not collect mana from those buildings and those buildings cannot be buffed by visitors.

The devs should have never made a 1x1 cultural building produce anything though..


Ok, I respect your opinion, but I would also like to see some 1x1 buildings produce something other than culture. Like a building that players have to earn in an event quest or is a one-time build item and provides very little in extra materials. That may offset the fact that it needs a road or that it's small or whatever is wrong with it. Maybe it can even produce something you don't have to collect like points or a new item in the game that has yet to be released. That way, once you build it, you don't have to click it ever again.