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    Your Elvenar Team

Guess the next visiting race


I didn't catch that does anyone have a time stamp for it?
Are you referring to the July Episode? If you go to the main forum page and click on the announcements, it will be on the first page of the listing.


In the September episode, it's when they show the city around 3:00 into the ep, as a goddess for some other game's promotion is showing up. What I'm referring to is right under the kp bar.

3:30 is a better point. You see what looks like a portal, as well. But the water isn't connected to it, so maybe those aren't production sites if they're still functioning. idk. But I like how those structures look.
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In the September episode, it's when they show the city around 3:00 into the ep, as a goddess for some other game's promotion is showing up. What I'm referring to is right under the kp bar.

3:30 is a better point. You see what looks like a portal, as well. But the water isn't connected to it, so maybe those aren't production sites if they're still functioning. idk. But I like how those structures look.

Stop it at 3:13 instead! I see what your saying but there are a couple of glowing things dancing above what your referring too as well as what is beside it. Now look to the right just above the panel that is open on the screen. I see two unfamiliar Tree Like production manufactorys or Farms (which have the Zz floating above them). It is looking more like Wood Elf's may be next from the visual of those and the unfamiliar path connecting them.


It is looking more like Wood Elf's may be next from the visual of those and the unfamiliar path connecting them.

Good catch guys...I looked at that episode and agree...those really look like Wood Elf items...those are definitely production buildings of trees and carved wooden faces on them...I think wood elves are the next race! It is top of the list, I just thought since the game is elves & humans, the developers would not use elves again....wrong!

...Well, this give us an opportunity to change everything back to an elven look.


those are definitely production buildings of trees and carved wooden faces on them...
I zoomed in on them and there might be some carved wooden faces there, but there are definitely some actual beings there too, it looks like either some kind of ents or giants with tree branches on their heads instead of hair. Anyway, I very much like the look of those factories.:)

Also, at 3:12 right above the middle of the pop-up screen there seems to be a stone face with closed eyes (on the right of the blue light), maybe a sleeping giant?;)
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I just thought since the game is elves & humans, the developers would not use elves again....wrong!

Well it does make sense since Angel's are also on the supposed list, so they may be the race after since it is an elven and human game.


Of course Aider! Mermaids need Mermen... that's were Merbabies come from :p Now let's go take a long ride on a seahorse...

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
Mermaids not so much, Dragons, wood elves, or giants, I would suffer through orc dung for though.
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Are you kidding?! YES! Did I mention I am a mermaid? Wait, can guys be mermaids too? That is my dream, so please don't crush it. :X

....Mermaids....hmmm....I don't think so! :rolleyes: Wood Elves and Pixies I think....;)


Have a look at this picture (yes it is out of focus some because it was blown up) and give me your honest opinion
InnoGames TV   InnoGames TV   September episode   Forum   Elvenar US.png


Yeah..that's what I'm talking about, those look like trees with faces, and the road that connects them is more like a trough with little, sparkling lights that I presume are pixies....

The large tree on the far right actually has, what seems to be, a residence/tree house. All these have 'ZZ", so I presume they are manufactories.

I have no idea what the two [2] blue icons are on the left, those are new.


Could be Tree Ents :) Looks really great though so I don't really care who they are lol


Oh Wise One
Ents would be cool, I think someone noted the guest races seem to have a tendency for opposites to follow opposites. Something like ents following orcs would suit that pattern assuming it is designed and not just coincidence.

Wood elves here we come :)
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So after all the waiting they settle on Wood Elves ?
How very imaginative of the Elvenar devs
A Wood elf is nothing more than a regular elf that decided to live in the woods
What is the race after that going to be " Hillbilly Humans"
Not very impressed at all