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Guide for costs/benefits for updating various buildings?


Well-Known Member
Is there a guide anywhere that tells us the specifications of various building upgrades? So, what materials are required and what are the benefits and how many upgrade levels, etc.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I was over and looking at something at one point and I completely missed this.


Well-Known Member
I was really interested in the level requirement/benefits for the ancient wonders. The link only gives how many levels and nothing about how benefits change through the levels and the cost for going to higher levels.


I was really interested in the level requirement/benefits for the ancient wonders.
The information for ancient wonders is there too.

Go to: Buildings > Ancient Wonders > the specific kind of ancient wonders you want to look up (e.g. Forgotten Ancient Wonders which include the Watchtower Ruins and the Thones of the High Men) > the overview of the specific ancient wonder you want to look up (e.g. the Watchtower Ruins Overview) > then you have to click "[Expand]" on the right side of the information tab (e.g "Watchtower Ruins Information" tab) - that brings up the required information.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you so much again. Even with the instructions it took some effort to find it, but I have found it now. I really appreciate the help.


No problem! I'm glad I could help.:) I have no idea why they hide the info for the ancient wonders under the "Expand" button when the same info for other buildings is readily available on their respective pages.*shrug*