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    Your Elvenar Team

Hello Hello from Lark


Well-Known Member
Hello @Meadowlark Welcome back to the game! ;)

If you're a "fighter" I would definetly build up the Sanctuary / Martial Monastery as soon as possible.

You should take a look at this thread @Henroo started. I guess it is very helpful for new players!



Buddy Fan Club member
Hello @Meadowlark and welcome back to Elvenar and to the Forum. :)

Events are ready to play from the very beginning but can be challenging for new cities. Fellowships and Fellowship Adventures are unlocked in the research tree of chapter 2. Tournaments are unlocked in chapter 4 and the Spire in chapter 5.

I encourage you to join a fellowship as soon as you can. (Shameless plug ;)) Winds of Summer on Arendyll has openings and gladly accepts new players. We are a casual fellowship with the tournament, spire, events, and fellowship adventures being optional.