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How is my layout re: efficiency?


Hi there, new and enjoying the game. Read some guides and I have been fiddling with my layout. I am probably making some bad mistakes. I'm not sure I should have the road on the edge (left side) like I do. Can anyone advise?


(https://goo.gl/photos/YgsNav8iEP5EKuWC7) image link.


You don't have to have your culture OR your builders connected with roads, so you could get rid of all the roads on the right side of the city, stacking all your culture next to your builders. Then the space currently occupied by your trees can go to buildings that DO need roads. The road along the left edge is fine - it'll be in place when you open the next expansion on that side, and you can immediately put buildings down without needing to readjust.

You can also play with this website to help you anticipate the building size/shape changes, plus play around with different configurations before moving everything in your city: http://www.elvenarchitect.com/

Good luck!


I was going to add some feedback, unfortunately your picture link was requiring a google account which I don't have or plan on creating one anytime. I'm not doubting Aiknami's views, always helpful to have different perspectives and make the best of everything.


Here's a public link from Dropbox, you should be able to see. I modified based on the earlier advice. Then I moved stuff around to upgrade my armory. I'm not actually quite sure what to build next, or to upgrade.
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My plank manufactories are kind of hidden there, which is hard to see. The culture trees take up a lot of awkward space.


It's looking good.

For fun, I played with your buildings on Architect - to give you an idea of the difference road placement can make.

The light green spaces are now empty. Everything from your current city is on this layout, except for the 6 signposts. The gain is 34 grid spaces.
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Wow, thank you! The trick is moving all this around with very little space, right? I think once i expand again, I will rework it to this. Thank you again!


Ok, made those adjustments - a few things changed since then but nothing major. I just got another expansion. I want to build more factories, but the question is where do I make the inroad into my new section?
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From this point foward, it will be a matter of looking ahead to see what sizes your buildings will become - and which change first.

At some point soonish you'll want to join a fellowship, so you can start to produce only your boosted goods. These are shaped differently, so that will lead the planning.

Knowing the future shapes will also help you know where to place your expansions. The row of residences you've started could be extended to accommodate the 2x3 size.

There's some excellent advice in the thread for the beginning guide.