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    Your Elvenar Team

How to advance?

Deleted User - 849487592

I have only started playing Elvenar. I found this game through Forge of Empires. In FoE, I made a lot of mistakes to I had to restart the game (by creating a new account). I didn't want to makes these mistakes again, so I have some questions. Should I rush ages (chapters?) or camp (in a specific chapter)? Which GBs (Ancient Wonders?) should I build? Also, should I go for goods, FPs (Knowledge Points?), or attack boost? I'm guessing I should rush ages (chapters?) to unlock more cultural settlements (IDK what they're called here)? Oh, and also, I chose to play as a human, is that the right choice?
Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
Welcome! I'm a newer player (at the end of chapter 3) so I can reflect on my experience as well as what I've learned from listening to other players.

Either human or elf is a good choice. You can play either race successfully; there are some differences in building sizes and troops initially but it just means your layout will be a little different than an elf's, for example. You will (usually) have bigger manufactories than elves in the first few chapters so you might not need as many of them as elves build. Many people recommend judging by the total number of squares your manufactories occupy rather than the number of them you have, so that one 3x3 manufactory is roughly equivalent to two 2x2 manufactories (9 squares vs. 8 squares).

Whether you rush or camp or just move more slowly is up to you. Personally I love taking the game slowly. Costs for researches, buildings and completing provinces will increase, so if you go too fast it will be harder to produce coins, supplies, and goods to keep up. I wouldn't worry too much about moving through the first chapter at a pretty fast pace.

One note of caution: It is unwise to scout and clear provinces too aggressively. Each province you scout will make the costs and battle difficulty for the next one higher. It's tempting to clear a lot of them fast to get knowledge points and city expansions. However, there are Advanced Scouts researches at the beginning of each early chapter that reduce the battle and catering costs for provinces you scout AFTER you do that research. In general it's much more effective to do something close to the required number of provinces to complete each chapter (for example to complete chapter 1 you will need to complete 10 provinces). Going a little more than that won't hurt, but if you overexpand too much you will find that provinces require resources that you can't make until later chapters and you will be stuck without being able to progress on the map.

Definitely consider joining a fellowship early on. This has a lot of benefits, especially in doing trade and giving and receiving neighborly help. It also allows you to participate in tournaments, where you can gain spells and relics that increase your production boosts. My fellowship has made a huge difference in my game! I suggest looking for a fellowship with at least a few bigger players (greater than 50k points). They will have experience in the game and be able to take your trades. There is a site called elvenstats.com where you can investigate fellowships before joining to see how active they are, for example, whether they compete in tournaments.

Being in a fellowship that allows for good trade will allow you to build only your boosted manufactories. This makes a HUGE difference as they are much more efficient, especially as you accumulate relics. So be on the lookout for relics, and find a fellowship to trade with, and it will make the game a lot easier and more fun!

As for Ancient Wonders, there are other good threads about them in the Help forum. Which ones you choose and when you build them will depend on your goals. You will unlock two or sometimes more per chapter after chapter 2. A good one to have is the Golden Abyss, which gives coin and population. It will be much more effective later on as your population grows. It takes a while to collect rune shards to buld wonders, so use that time to investigate and consider what will work best with your playstyle. I think AWs early on in the game are not as significant as the Great Buildings in FoE. They tend to scale with your progress. Their influence will rise as you progress.


Welcome to the game @QueenArwenEvenstar I think you will like it here! I would not suggest ToS ( Tome of Secrets) unless you need supplies. The abyss is always good though. I would suggest unlocking trader and simple street first, then you boosted goods, don't rush through, this is a game that takes time.

Deleted User - 849487592

Also, what should I gear my city towards? Goods production, KP (if that's the abbreviation of Knowledge Points) production, or attack/defence boost for attacking army? Is there anything fellowships can do together? Like FoE GE, GbG, or GvG? In addition, is fighting provinces and sectors better or is negotiating them better?
Edit: Should I also save up technologies and provinces for Event quests? Are there always alternatives? In addition, which tasks are chapter-based and which ones are independent of chapters?
Sorry for so many questions, but I'm trying to learn.
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Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Hi Queen Arwen
I am Lelanya and I have played FoE.
You will get 18 quests at the start, and then the game will allow you to start the current event, Queen Faerie's garden - spoilers found on ElvenGems.

Do both fighting and goods. In Elvenar there is tier 1, and one will be your boosted, with the research in behind the other 3 tiers. Fighting is easy in chapter 1 so learn the battle system by looking at who is good against what.

Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
You should gear your city toward the things you like to do most. I like hoarding goods and collecting from factories, so I do a lot of that. It is most efficient to do a combination of goods production and fighting, so I upgrade my barracks and have an armory, but I have less space dedicated to that in my cities than some people do. I usually fight unless I would either be defeated or lose too many troops, in which case I negotiate/convince.

Participation in tournaments is done as an individual, but points accumulate toward fellowship chests, where you can get nice rewards. In Chapter 3 you will unlock the Spire of Eternity. Spire points also count toward fellowship rewards, so if many in your fellowship are active in the Spire you can get good rewards from that. There are also Fellowship Adventures about every six to eight weeks where you will complete tasks and collect badges that allow your Fellowship to advance toward prizes.

@Lelanya I don't think new players are required to complete those 18 quests to do events anymore. You can participate as soon as you finish the tutorial and the very first quest (which is have 2 residences).

Deleted User - 849487592

@Gladiola I unlocked the event around the completed "Finish all story quests" Quest. Also if you do a combination of goods and fighting isn't it a drain on your resources as you need a lot of space for attack boost as defending armies get tougher?


Well-Known Member
@QueenArwenEvenstar I have not found it to be a drain thus far, although I'm still in chapter 3. I haven't made use of the military boost buildings yet. When the fights have too many opponents or a bad combination of troops, I cater. My stash of goods keeps increasing, and I'm meeting my goals in the tournaments and the Spire. Once in a while I start running low on supplies and decide to upgrade my workshops.

I have started collecting the 2019 Phoenix artifacts when they are available in the Magic Academy for crafting. I hope to eventually grow a fire phoenix, which has a feeding effect of up to a 50% attack bonus when fully evolved. It also provides population, culture and coins, so it is well worth the space in your city. I have 6 evolutions and when I get to 8 or 9 I'll craft it and put it in my city. I'm waiting to get some more evolutions so it will be in a higher chapter when I place it and need less upgrading.


At some points in the game fighting will be easier than negotiating and vice versa. Your comfort level will accurately guide you.

Fighting in the provinces starts out harder because all troops are poor in strength at level 1 (1 star) and scouting provinces may be at medium level. Right now (chapter 11) my troops are at 3 star and all provinces are 'very easy'. Do not be discouraged.

Above all, Elvenar is a game of resource management. Players who go for the glitz, like the best military, wind up backtracking to build up their manufactories. Player Mykans has all kinds of guides. Google them.

The five resources you will have to balance at first are Goods, Supplies (workshops), culture, population and Space. Make sure not to run low on goods and supplies. Few of us have the space we want (tiles, expansions). Coins are hardly ever a problem, and you get a generous amount of instant coin inventories.

Progress as fast as you want. It is not like FoE, where you open yourself up to invasion. There is no PvP here, just competition, and only if you want it.

The challenges that Elvenar throws at you are primarily twofold: you do not get a generous amount of space and you always have to balance your use of it. And then, as buildings are upgraded, they change size and long axis, so you are always having to refigure your layout.

Many gift buildings are a waste of space. At least in the beginning, no building is more efficient at population than residences. Beware of too many "gift" buildings that give you population and culture. They are like Mafia loans. You find you cannot get rid of them to reuse the space without losing their population and culture and going negative. There is no penalty for going negative. Sometimes it is a good temporary strategy. It just means that you cannot build or upgrade until you return to the positive.


Well-Known Member
@Gkyr if combined pop/culture buildings are like Mafia loans, when you replace it in a higher chapter are you just rolling over the loan? ;)

I rather like my culture/pop buildings. I can see your point about not having too many of them (have some straight culture buildings from events is a good idea), but the culture/pop buildings I have either give close to the same population per square as my residences, plus culture, or close to the same culture per square as my best culture buildings, plus population. The key is to look at the larger size buildings (at least 12 squares). They are harder to fit in because of the awkward size, but they are more efficient overall. (Later on the larger size buildings will be 25 squares, but right now 25 squares is 1/16 of my city area).


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
I just tested a chapter 1 run, that's how I know. I was able to apply to a fellowship right off, by the way. I sure do like checking things for myself.

QueenArwen, about the time you unlock the knight and the priest, it gets harder to fight. By that point you want to have some goods built up to fall back upon. Thd tech tree in Elvenar asks for more than FoE. You will keep the same factories all the way through, and unlock tier 2 in chapter 2 for example where you will upgrade the levels on your factories. By the time you are offered the upgrade that triggers a size change you ought to have one factory run all the way up to that point.

We do not have GvG per se.
We have 2 weekly challenges, tournament, where you need a Guild *called fellowships to participate at all. And there is Spire, which more resembles the Expedition, unlocked in early chapter 3. You can Spire on your own but the rewards are better with a Guild.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
The challenges that Elvenar throws at you are primarily twofold: you do not get a generous amount of space and you always have to balance your use of it. And then, as buildings are upgraded, they change size and long axis, so you are always having to refigure your layout.
And you don't have the Reconstruction crane option like FoE to move your city around. There are teleports to put buildings into inventory but you have to win from the Spire (chap 3) so you don't have unlimited number of them. Also, not all buildings can be put away once they're out.


Well-Known Member
@Gladiola your fire Phoenix will only be at the stage you acquired the base not at the stage when you place it in your city. You will need Royal Restoration spells to bring the Phoenix up to a certain higher level.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Yeah true it's like old school FoE, without needing to replace the goods and military buildings each chapter. Just rearrange when replacing culture with better higher versions or when you unlock an expansion.


Well-Known Member
@Dopeykr that is why I am not crafting the base until I decide to place it in my city, so it will be in the chapter that I am in when I craft and place it.


Well-Known Member
@Lelanya I just did a test and we are both partially right. In the first world on a new account, it requires you to finish those 18 quests before starting the event. However, if you start immediately in another world without finishing the quests, you can begin the event right away in that world.


Oh Wise One
Welcome to the game @QueenArwenEvenstar. If I were you I would try to get to chapter 3 ASAP. Ch 3 unlocks the Spire of Eternity. Ch3 will also unlock your Mage units and Heavy Ranged units. Combat becomes much easier once you have all 5 unit types available. I would recommend Golden Abyss as your first ancient wonder. It provides massive amounts of both gold and population once upgraded. This makes it useful, no matter what playstyle you eventually settle into.

The other big piece of advice I would give you as a new player is to be very careful with your diamonds. Don't use them on tasks like speeding things up or bringing units back to life after battle. Save them up. The best uses of diamonds early in the game are: A. Getting extra expansions for your city, B. Upgrading the Magic Academy beyond level 2, and C. Getting a 3rd builder. I would conserve your diamonds and save them for these 3 tasks.