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I need help explaining Perk Archive levels to my FS

Fynn aPillanori

New Member
Howdy all. Several of the people in the Fellowship have been asking about Perks. In particular, what does increasing the Archives do. Who has suggestions on how best to explain it? (I'm not entirely clear on it myself, so I suspect others may also have questions about it. This has probably been explained in careful detail somewhere, but I could not find it.)
Thanks Fynn


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
Archives let you store any overflow points after last tourney chest or last Spire crystal your group passed. For example, you have 4356 pts between last completed chest and next tourney chest when tourney is over. That has the potential to be stored in your archive, but how much gets stored depends on your Archive level. The higher the Perk level, the more you can store. Any points over the archive storage limit or if your archive is already full will be lost.

Then subsequently, you have whatever you have stored to be used in future tourneys or Spire. However, you can only spend in increments of however much to the next chest or crystal at a time. For example, if you did manage to store all 4356 tourney pts, but it will be 2300 pts to next chest, then you can spend 2300pts. Now you have 2056pts left. You would have to wait until you are within 2056pts to spend more points. Essentially, you cannot spend all the points at a time. It depends on how far you are from next chest or Spire crystal. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Archives are like banks: you put in any excess points earned in Spire/Tourney up to a set limit (per Perk level) and can withdraw them to secure that Tourney chest/Spire node your FS just couldn't get through regular game play. As @crackie pointed out, you can only withdraw enough to reach the next chest/node, no more.
Increasing the Archive levels increases the size of the bank account; the larger the account, the more points can be stored for withdrawal. This can make it successively easier to score the 10th chest in Tourney on a weekly basis (if your FS has had trouble doing this), or reaching Silver/Gold in the Spire (some FSs never score high enough as a group, even though their members run all the way up).

Fynn aPillanori

New Member
Archives let you store any overflow points after last tourney chest or last Spire crystal your group passed. For example, you have 4356 pts between last completed chest and next tourney chest when tourney is over. That has the potential to be stored in your archive, but how much gets stored depends on your Archive level. The higher the Perk level, the more you can store. Any points over the archive storage limit or if your archive is already full will be lost.

Then subsequently, you have whatever you have stored to be used in future tourneys or Spire. However, you can only spend in increments of however much to the next chest or crystal at a time. For example, if you did manage to store all 4356 tourney pts, but it will be 2300 pts to next chest, then you can spend 2300pts. Now you have 2056pts left. You would have to wait until you are within 2056pts to spend more points. Essentially, you cannot spend all the points at a time. It depends on how far you are from next chest or Spire crystal. Hope that helps.
Thank you, that is clearer than any response I've tried to come up with!

Fynn aPillanori

New Member
Archives are like banks: you put in any excess points earned in Spire/Tourney up to a set limit (per Perk level) and can withdraw them to secure that Tourney chest/Spire node your FS just couldn't get through regular game play. As @crackie pointed out, you can only withdraw enough to reach the next chest/node, no more.
Increasing the Archive levels increases the size of the bank account; the larger the account, the more points can be stored for withdrawal. This can make it successively easier to score the 10th chest in Tourney on a weekly basis (if your FS has had trouble doing this), or reaching Silver/Gold in the Spire (some FSs never score high enough as a group, even though their members run all the way up).
Thanks Flashfyre, that helps.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
Perk Points are relative. Like garbage in the streets on Sunday morning vs garbage on the streets Wednesday night. You get them through osmosis and coupons. You distribute them via AMWAY, where all the possible computations are done by Quija board.

I'm wondering if what I just wrote isn't the the worst explanation ever attempted. If so, you should really just pay attention to Flashfrye and crackie since they explained thing much better. And more accurately as well.
