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    Your Elvenar Team

I Want To Thank the Developers....

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 4263769
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Deleted User - 4263769

For all the useless crap I am crafting in the MA to obtain Arcade badges....
Thanks, my hat goes off to them.


Deleted User - 849281086

Good job Jesikrey... it's almost like you took a class on How To Create Posts Like Michael Does.

You even get people uselessly complaining about what they call useless complaining in you...

Here... have a new FA badge... "The Trigger People Over Nothing Cuz They Like Being Triggered Apparently" badge.

Happy ?


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
If I win winter lampions...
Which I did last night. :( Gosh, I can't remember the last time I won diamonds. But the kp or time instants would have been nice. At least I wouldn't have to disenchant those for spell frags I don't need.
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Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
Jesikrey, when the devs design a badge that's going to be detested by anyone EXCEPT those who aren't working they're butts off on the event, well, they are just setting themselves up for failure. Why even have an FA if the only people you are going to turn off are the ones who really want to play it? I'll lay odds that those who pick on you are not in the top 10 on the FA leader board, nor do they care to be. So yes, great move, Inno ... you've already got a bunch of people who hate the FAs and won't play, so what do you do? Why of course, do your darndest to make sure the others don't want to play either. Typical logic of big game developers who aren't addicted to their game and don't understand the dynamics.

Alpha Lyrae

Well-Known Member
Are there players who aren't constantly crafting anyway?? Does not compute. :p

Outside of FAs, I'm constantly crafting. Time instants, supply instants, AWKP, KP, relics, pet food... I tend to ignore non-military buildings, but that's about it. And none of it goes to waste. I like that these things are always available to me when I need them. FAs don't change what or how often I craft. If there's something I don't want then I don't craft it.
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Deleted User - 1178646

Are there players who aren't constantly crafting anyway?? Does not compute. :p

Outside of FAs, I'm constantly crafting. Time instants, supply instants, AWKP, KP, relics, pet food... I tend to ignore non-military buildings, but that's about it. And none of it goes to waste. I liked that these things are always available to me when I need them. FAs don't change what or how often I craft. If there's something I don't want them I don't craft it.
Same here, FA, no FA it doesnt matter at all plenty of fun stuff to craft.

Jesikrey, when the devs design a badge that's going to be detested by anyone EXCEPT those who aren't working they're butts off on the event, well, they are just setting themselves up for failure. Why even have an FA if the only people you are going to turn off are the ones who really want to play it? I'll lay odds that those who pick on you are not in the top 10 on the FA leader board, nor do they care to be. So yes, great move, Inno ... you've already got a bunch of people who hate the FAs and won't play, so what do you do? Why of course, do your darndest to make sure the others don't want to play either. Typical logic of big game developers who aren't addicted to their game and don't understand the dynamics.

Usually I would agree but in this case I think they understand the dynamics in this case a lot better than you do.
As some will keep complaining about this badge each FA, I will returning the answer that not having this badge is the same as forcing those who like it to nuke there cities into oblivion as it will return all the lovely you are not allowed to have anything beside a main hall, a barracks, a builders hut and only level 1 buildings.

and if you do not do that you are not an FA lover.

Nah crafting is much better than total destruction derby.

Is it perfect? no, is it better than forcing people to completely destroy there cities into oblivion. surely it is.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
Usually I would agree but in this case I think they understand the dynamics in this case a lot better than you do.
As some will keep complaining about this badge each FA, I will returning the answer that not having this badge is the same as forcing those who like it to nuke there cities into oblivion as it will return all the lovely you are not allowed to have anything beside a main hall, a barracks, a builders hut and only level 1 buildings.

and if you do not do that you are not an FA lover.

Nah crafting is much better than total destruction derby.

Is it perfect? no, is it better than forcing people to completely destroy there cities into oblivion. surely it is.

I am not understanding you at all. How would not having this particular badge in the lineup ... or changing this badge to be 1craft=1 badge ... force anyone to nuke their cities? You're saying that without this badge in the lineup, there would be total destruction. I honestly don't get that.


Buddy Fan Club member
If I'm understanding it correctly:
The residue badge (and to a lesser extent the bracelet badge) are the bottleneck badges in the FA. If the residue badge was changed to 1craft=1badge, it would no longer be a bottleneck. Then the *competition* in the FA would come down to the amount of space in cities for farms for the long term badges (and for bracelets). Cities would be put on 'pause' for the week of the FA. Some cities would put in upgraded T1's in their extra space and make more bracelets; some would put in lvl 1 WS/factories and make smiths, necklaces and statues.
Personally, I don't think it's that big of a deal to pause my city for a week, but for FS's that want to be highly competitive in the FA's I can see it being an issue for their members who prefer not to do that. I'm far enough along in chapters (Ch15 & Ch16 cities) that molasses would be an improvement over my ability to progress! Adding a week is a drop in the bucket as far as overall city progress is concerned. For cities who are not that far along, a week might be all they need to finish a chapter and I can see why it would be annoying to be expected to make design changes to support an FA and put off their city progress. There's less pressure on them to do this when the ability to do well in the FA is tied to the ability to make residue badges instead of being tied to badges that just require more city space dedicated to making badges.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
If I'm understanding it correctly:
The residue badge (and to a lesser extent the bracelet badge) are the bottleneck badges in the FA. If the residue badge was changed to 1craft=1badge, it would no longer be a bottleneck. Then the *competition* in the FA would come down to the amount of space in cities for farms for the long term badges (and for bracelets). Cities would be put on 'pause' for the week of the FA. Some cities would put in upgraded T1's in their extra space and make more bracelets; some would put in lvl 1 WS/factories and make smiths, necklaces and statues.
Personally, I don't think it's that big of a deal to pause my city for a week, but for FS's that want to be highly competitive in the FA's I can see it being an issue for their members who prefer not to do that. I'm far enough along in chapters (Ch15 & Ch16 cities) that molasses would be an improvement over my ability to progress! Adding a week is a drop in the bucket as far as overall city progress is concerned. For cities who are not that far along, a week might be all they need to finish a chapter and I can see why it would be annoying to be expected to make design changes to support an FA and put off their city progress. There's less pressure on them to do this when the ability to do well in the FA is tied to the ability to make residue badges instead of being tied to badges that just require more city space dedicated to making badges.
That makes sense even if I disagree with the reasoning. Thanks for the explanation. You are always so helpful.

Deleted User - 1178646

I am not understanding you at all. How would not having this particular badge in the lineup ... or changing this badge to be 1craft=1 badge ... force anyone to nuke their cities? You're saying that without this badge in the lineup, there would be total destruction. I honestly don't get that.

Because the badge puts a limit on how many of the other badges you can effdectively use.

There is no point in maken 5314 smith badges for example if you cannot use us that many as other badges are now the bottleneck.
Therefore to win it's no longer a battle who has 25 players who are willing to place as much as theoretically possible level 1 factories/workshops in there cities.

Those who have been here for a while have seen FA's being dominated with those types of fellowships.
This type of play is no longer promoted with the new format.

A change to 1 craft 1 badge would stretch the limit to which portion of your city needs to be reserved for FA's only.
This would bring it very close to no longer being a bottleneck returning the "dead towns syndrome"
So it would make more sense to have it like 3 crafts for a badge, but I am pretty sure you would have the same or even more complaints in that case

The whole reason that badge exists is to create a bottleneck that prevents happening what we have seen in the past.
It's now more a competition of activity, preparing, coordination and teamspirit then pure destruction.
You no longer need large towns with only level 1 factories / workshops to comepete in the FA, it also brings guilds closer to eachtother making the competition more exiting.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
In theory, but in practice, that bottleneck is short. It takes less timers to fast forward an Arcane than say a blacksmith or farmer. So it really becomes who wants to spend diamonds to flip the MA bc you've ran out of things to craft.

Deleted User - 849281086

There will always be a bottleneck no matter what the devs do...

The main complaint is CC's are valuable and in order for some FS's to feel competitive they have to trash their valuable CC's for junk.

Jesikrey has a good point but...

I personally find AR to be exactly what it should be...

No pain... no gain.

More badges should be painful this way.

Separate the chaff from the wheat.... instead of "look Ma, my cities fat... so i won !!!"


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
In theory, but in practice, that bottleneck is short. It takes less timers to fast forward an Arcane than say a blacksmith or farmer. So it really becomes who wants to spend diamonds to flip the MA bc you've ran out of things to craft.
You're right; I think the diamond spending is exactly why Inno created that badge. I remember a time when spending diamonds on the FA was considered a "cheater's way" to win the FA. Now, it looks like Inno is trying desperately to encourage that mindset. That's a slippery slope. The best part about Elvenar is it's camaraderie and beautiful, noble spirit. They are destroying it in the name of buying diamonds. :(

Deleted User - 4263769

Jesikrey, when the devs design a badge that's going to be detested by anyone EXCEPT those who aren't working they're butts off on the event, well, they are just setting themselves up for failure. Why even have an FA if the only people you are going to turn off are the ones who really want to play it? I'll lay odds that those who pick on you are not in the top 10 on the FA leader board, nor do they care to be. So yes, great move, Inno ... you've already got a bunch of people who hate the FAs and won't play, so what do you do? Why of course, do your darndest to make sure the others don't want to play either. Typical logic of big game developers who aren't addicted to their game and don't understand the dynamics.
Meh... I can care less about it. This badge SUCKS and everyone knows it.

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