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Idavis site


Hey all, I just saw the message from idavis from November 9th saying they cannot continue the community knowledge section anymore. He mentioned something about something but can anybody dumb it down for me please?


Oh Wise One
ok, under the "more" tab at the top of his page, when you scroll down that list is a choice of community knowledge. He has discontinued that info. I saw one thing there regarding the new unicorn for black friday. Looks like he was sharing info with folks about the game. Don't know why or what happened that caused him to stop. He did mention something about taking it further could jeopardize his site security. Good enough reason to stop to me.


ok, under the "more" tab at the top of his page, when you scroll down that list is a choice of community knowledge. He has discontinued that info. I saw one thing there regarding the new unicorn for black friday. Looks like he was sharing info with folks about the game. Don't know why or what happened that caused him to stop. He did mention something about taking it further could jeopardize his site security. Good enough reason to stop to me.
That makes sense. So it is just that one section but the rest of what he does and has is okay? Am I understanding that correctly?