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I'm confused all the time


New Member
SOO I'm quite new to the game. I'm able to help neighbors now and what not but I've noticed they change their world names to certain things they wanna be helped with. (I THINK) I think MH just means main hall but what does B/MH/C. I'm assuming the other two are for builders and culture. Anything else I should know? Whether it's to do with helping neighbors or just simple tips.

Also, sorry if this was put in the wrong place.


Oh Wise One
@Laevxia B/MH/C is a list of what they want help with. B stands for builders. That is what they most want help with. MH is their 2nd priority and as you thought it stands for Main Hall. The C stands for culture. It means if neither builders or Main Hall is available they would like you to give help to the highest culture building available. In my opinion this is a fairly unusual priority list. Most players I know list Culture as either #1 or #2.


Well-Known Member
Occasionally people will put other abbreviations in their city name to make things even more confusion. These usually stand for which Ancient Wonder they want to receive KP donations for. (You will be able to donate KP to Ancient Wonders when you've finished the AW research in chapter 2).

The most confusing for me is that sometimes you will see MH, which usually is main hall. But if they have another M somewhere, such as "BMC MH" then MH may stand for Mountain Halls, which is an Ancient Wonder.

The most important thing though is that you are giving neighborly help -- it all helps them and it helps you too!