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Important Wonder pre-release Beta announcement


The moderators on Beta announced some good news today. The developers have decided to make a scoring adjustment and add Wonders to our scores. The score addition will be based around the numbers of KP - and that's all we know for now. It will be a while before they implement, but the announcement seems firm.

I've asked that they consider releasing the new matrix at least 2 weeks before they implement it, so we all have chances to make new strategy / scoring calculations for ourselves. I'm hoping that other members support this plan.

I think we need time to plan and then implement. First, we don't know if the scoring will be minimal (like province encounters) or significant enough to consider replacing buildings for equivalent / greater scoring. Second, my personal opinion is that an unannounced change could radically change rankings. I'm a generous player, but not so altruistic that I would have been giving KP to players so that they could surpass me...*laughing*. In any case, at this point some of us will likely take pause as to how we pursue Rune Shards - we may need the shards, but we also like rank. In conclusion, if they pre-release the updated scoring matrix, everyone can have a few weeks to re-balance their cities and we won't have a Forum full of complaints when this development is a positive decision.
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Deleted User - 107391

The moderators on Beta announced some good news today. The developers have decided to make a scoring adjustment and add Wonders to our scores. The score addition will be based around the numbers of KP - and that's all we know for now. It will be a while before they implement, but the announcement seems firm.

Thank you Bobbi, for taking the time for this. Personally, I think this is a completely reasonable adjustment, and am kind of surprised it was never included to begin with. (Hindsight and all that.) And I think your suggestions are well thought-out.