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Improve odds/rng for crafting pet food and military buildings


New Member
I have gone weeks without many opportunities to acquire pet food or military buildings (e.g., unleashed unit upgrade, magnificent mage multiplier. That's despite spending diamonds to "reroll." Rolling out more buildings requiring pet food but it seems to me there are fewer opportunities to obtain them. I don't have any data on this, but I've dropped from a stash of 25 to 12 over the last couple of weeks. That's unsustainable.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I was initially excited about this new evolve, until I realized I will rarely be able to benefit due to the infrequency of crafting petfood.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Sips of clarity also do the reroll, which you have a good chance of getting from that one spirit near the top of the spire. You usually get a couple from events too. I save them to use during a FA to get arcane residue (we call it poo). Getting 5d buildings and pet food is a very nice bonus.