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Increase population w/o building new residences?


I am often short of population needed for upgrades, etc. I've tried selling buildings, but that decreases the population. Cannot always add more residences due to lack of real estate. Is there another way to increase my population?


Two of the Diamond Cultural buildings, for both races, provide happiness AND population. The Goddess of Fertility is sort of a no-brainer, huh? :D

I would not be the least bit surprised if something like a Great Building or Regional Parks becomes available, with a fancy condominium of some sort, as that would be a pretty obvious way to use up your unboosted relics.


LavenderWand, only houses decrease population when sold, Armories, Manufacturies and workshops will increase population if sold. Sounds like you need to be more efficient in use of buildings, roads and space. Remember culture buildings do not need roads. Houses once brought up to 3x3 size, increase pop quite a bit. I saw your town I could give you some pointers. (sell at least 2 armories is 1st thing I'd do) Or visit mine under same name as here, and peek around.
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