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    Your Elvenar Team

Ink Trades!?


I don't know if it's happening in other worlds, I imagine it is.... but in Arendyll, at this moment, there are 360 requests for ink. 45 pages, 8 requests per page. Yes, I can use a filter but this is insanity. There isn't enough ink or making it required in such a high amount was intentional to slow people down getting it....? Or, it wasn't thought through....

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
It's a T5 good, in the Amuni chapter. It's made with scrolls buildings.

That would explain it then. I am in Halflings right now and I do not look ahead at the future chapters to see what happens there. I do not even know what sentient goods are. I guess I like to be surprised. lol