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Innogames TV December 2017 - edited version


Platinum Leaf -FB
Here is an edited version of the December 2017 episode of Innogames TV, in which Timon tells us about the Winter Event: The Three Glacier Giants. And he shows us a glimpse of how 'set buildings' will work!
They are a feature of this Event - you may wish to save up your Frozen Keys to gain them!

Please give it a Like and Subscribe on YouTube if you want to be notified of all the latest news!

The Second Prize building is a set building; there will apparently be others in the Daily Exclusives.
They work just like a normal building - but if you place two or more next to each other, they gain additional bonus effects!
The more you place together, the more powerful each of them get, and apparently other special effects may be unlocked - so you should try to collect them all!

More details to follow as the buildings appear - in the Daily Exclusive Section of our Guide:

This is the final InnoGames TV episode!
It will be replaced by other video formats, still to be announced...

Elvenar Platinum Leaf is a free-to-share public Facebook group with 4500 members and growing all the time; you are welcome to share all our Files, Notes and videos with all your friends and fellowship. If you like this video and would like to see more from us, click on 'Like' and 'Subscribe'! This helps us to get our product out to a wider audience.

Our YouTube Channel will eventually having full 'City' and 'Battle' playlists, graded from 'beginner' to 'advanced'.

Does your group perhaps have some similar videos you would let us share? Or do you have a talent for making them? Contact me if you would like to be involved!
No special film-making talent needed; just provide the raw video; I will do the final editing for you!
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