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    Your Elvenar Team

Inno's dealing with push accounts needs drastic improvement discussion


That's my defining things yes.
"your definition" That means it is subjective and based on opinion.

Your better is not my better, nor is it Jasix's better. So, your argument that you can get in a better fellowship is only valid for you which tends to lead to the emotional benefit and not a tangible one. So that bring us back around to where we started with ranking points not providing a real benefit other than emotional one.

My better fellowship needs to have more than just produces x amount kp per tourney. I want visits, I want discussion, I want helping each other out with AWs.
All you want is kp per tourney. That is based on opinion which is an emotional benefit, not tangible. So I will state again, ranking does not provide a benefit.
Jasix and both play on Khelonaar, I am higher rank at 248520 points vs (I'm assuming)her 97330 points. Those points provide me with no extra manufactory boost, extra KP/hr, or Building speed boost. Things that are not opinion based, so there is not real benefit to rank. So you play how you want, and worry not how others play.

This game is not competitive, there is no pvp, there is no reward for having your world ranking higher than others. It's an imaginary number mostly based on your buildings and their levels. We can go on and on, but you need to take emotion out of the argument and see it from a factual stand point.


Your reply is so invalid I won't go into the details, I play as I do you play as you do, but as far subjective I have proven my point.

And it proves you don't read what I have posted. As we do all those things and alot more.


Your reply is so invalid I won't go into the details, I play as I do you play as you do, but as far subjective I have proven my point.
You're right! "I play as I do you play as you do" but you're the one that is so worried about how others are playing. Not me.

I'm just enjoying picking holes in your emotion based argument.


So if you don't care why are you posting in my thread?
I have proven my point the FS that do get 75 kp's per week are in my opinion better And do all the stuff yours does and more.


Because I wanted to know why you care so much about how other people play when it has no tangible effect on your gameplay. Then I realized you have no real reason other than you want to dictate how others play. You want to be seen as a "rule" enforcer, crying why the people you taddled on have not been punished yet. I just don't get it why you care so much when it has no negative impact on you. Like I have said previously, I could totally get behind this anti-pusher movement if it actually meant something. If pushers actually negatively impacted my game play, or your game play, or anyone's game play. But it doesn't, so why stress about it?

Worry about yourself, and worry less about how others play. No one likes a taddle tale.


So, if I decided tomorrow to drop $2000 usd. Push my rank to say 50 from my 109, does that make me a better player because overnight I spent a bunch of money and got my rank up? No, it does not at all. Rank does not a better player make.


If you read the whole thread you should know that this isn't true.
  • Cheaters cause players to quit.
  • Players quitting causes the developers to lose money.
  • The developers losing money is bad for the game, and since you play the game, that's bad for you.
Also, you won't always be a new player, so eventually you may wish to try and get good prizes from the Fellowship Adventures, where you and your FS are pitted against others, so if cheating is allowed to continue, by the time you get there you'll be completely outclassed.

If your fellowship members never receive anything in return, and their only purpose in the game is to feed KP to your account, then yes, it's the same thing, but who does that?
It's also a matter of scale: You might have a couple FS members that donate a few KP to your account sometimes.
The players we are talking about are getting 600-900 KP every day.

Gah, I just can't get away from this thread.....


Oh Wise One
Talk to Soggy Shorts on that one. It does affect you.
We each actually get to decide what affects us. Soggy and agree on lots of things (including people who speed on the highway), but this isn't one of them. You can't actually make me be affected by cheaters. There are arguments to be made about how they drive away paying customers, but so do lots of other things, like nerfing buildings after the fact (and that one actually affects players directly). Moderators have indicated elsewhere that fewer than 1% of players ever find their way to the forums, and it's obvious from the numbers that less than 1% of those pay any attention other than to check on what event is coming next or what updates are planned (if they ever reutnr at all after having checked them out once). I'd posit that more than 99% of paying players have no idea that there are pushers in the game. To make a claim that their cheating is going to drive off enough paying customers to affect the future of the game is (I believe) to misunderstand the game's stats and financials.


Talk to Soggy Shorts on that one. It does affect you.

Does Soggy use diamonds? I mean if they don't - according to you their opinion doesn't matter on this subject. Just saying....
We each actually get to decide what affects us. Soggy and agree on lots of things (including people who speed on the highway), but this isn't one of them. You can't actually make me be affected by cheaters. There are arguments to be made about how they drive away paying customers, but so do lots of other things, like nerfing buildings after the fact (and that one actually affects players directly). Moderators have indicated elsewhere that fewer than 1% of players ever find their way to the forums, and it's obvious from the numbers that less than 1% of those pay any attention other than to check on what event is coming next or what updates are planned (if they ever reutnr at all after having checked them out once). I'd posit that more than 99% of paying players have no idea that there are pushers in the game. To make a claim that their cheating is going to drive off enough paying customers to affect the future of the game is (I believe) to misunderstand the game's stats and financials.

Ahh but do you buy diamonds? If not then jp says your opinion on this matter doesn't count because well... you read why. :)
There is absolutely NO proof that anyone has ever quit JUST because of pushers. Whenever I ask people about pushers they have no clue what I am talking about...so I explain it to them and I have never seen anyone get upset over it - it is much like the contrary opinions here (Meh... it doesn't affect me).

Just because some people want the pushing issue to be a big problem... does not mean it is actually a big problem. I have seen people way more upset over the wholesaler changes and BS/CL changes than any other issues.

I guess I am lucky because these cheaters/pushers have had no affect on me.


If you play the game it affects you, if for instance all the paying players quit and Elvenar suddenly had no income, how long would the game survive? It couldn't....


Oh Wise One
Cheater affect every aspect of the game. Weather or not people understand that.
I know you want that to be true, but really, really, wanting something to be true doesn't make it so. There are a lot of players and almost none of them even have an awareness of pushing, let alone are making a decision to leave over it. All the paying players aren't going to leave because of it. I doubt if 1% of the paying players are going to leave because of it. In the end, since their strategy appears to rely on high turnover, even if accusations of cheating went viral on reddit and 10% of the paying players left over it, that would probably be a bump-in-the-road for the game. I'm willing to wait it out. Of course, I'm spending only about $200-300 a year on Elvenar.


If you play the game it affects you, if for instance all the paying players quit and Elvenar suddenly had no income, how long would the game survive? It couldn't....

There is NO proof or reason to believe that all the paying players would quit over that... I am stating right now - as a paying player I would not quit because of pushers. "If" is not proof - it is a supposition. What is keeping the paying players from quitting right now because of it? I mean from what I have read this has been an issue for a very long time... so what is the impetus that will get all of you paying players complaining to quit? Is there a deadline? Does Inno need to remove these push accounts by a certain date or else there will be a mass exodus of paying players (let's be real no one cares about the non-paying players amiright or amiright!?!?)? I just want to be prepared for the departure of thousands of people...even though only about 20 have weighed in on this on the forums I am sure thousands upon thousands will be quitting on some preset date if Inno doesn't do what you want them to do. Since I am a paying players my vote is sooner than later.. like.. hmmm random date: February 27th, 2018. Lemme know if that works for everyone... unless of course you have all decided on a different date.


That was an example gesh some peoples kids. And for your information that has occured to a small % all ready.

Jasix really you must not have played for long...


Oh Wise One
That was an example
Nice deflection, but since it's not a realistic example, it's an important point, because it implies that you are willing to say anything to justify the position you've taken, or possibly that you don't think your opposition is as smart as you.

I'm not clear on what exactly is the relevance of how long Jasix has been playing? Or is that just a personal attack to try to get them to shut up?


I don't do personal attacks on purpose. So no.
And how long a person has been playing is relevant as to there game knowledge.