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    Your Elvenar Team

Is anyone actually PLAYING this game?

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1027
  • Start date


Please forgive the large print - I am visually impaired.

I am getting beyond frustrated. I started playing Elvenar a few weeks ago. I play every day, usually checking in a couple of times a day to pick up goods and reset my factories. I have both a Fairy and a Human town. I go to all of my neighbors and "help" them EVERY DAY. I'm not happy about what I am seeing.

First, only 2 out of about 60 neighbors have EVER returned the help and NO ONE ever answers when I send a message to them (I was sending thank you notes, but never received a reply).

Second, after weeks of playing, I see that most people have not expanded their towns at all. Most are just a couple of buildings and a pathway. In many of those same towns, I see factories running and fighters being trained, so I assume the player must be playing. In several of the towns, there is nothing to click on to help. I don't know why - the buildings are there.

Why aren't they expanding at all?

I'm truly wondering if I am wasting my time here. I love the game - I think it's beautiful. I don't know what people expect - it's basically a SIM game with a bunch of extras added (like the battles). I can't seem to find neighbors that will interact with me.

What is the story with this game? Can someone give me some insight?

Dear Suzneval,
The map is a big issue and problem with many.
I feel some took on to many worlds and may play on others but not on urs are mine.
The game took almost all of mine from me as they were in- active players. And promised to replace them with active players? Well this never happened. My map has been filling up but most do not play only about 5 do and do interact with me. I will take this any day over a empty map as most at least I can get coins but some are in building stage when the left the game so can not get coins from them.
The game says it is also a big surprise that the Trader is not used more? Well if u have mostly all in- active players on ur Map of course ur trader is not going to be used much as there are only a few and fellowships using them.
Also for a player to get help, to gain in the game,-- since there map is either empty or in active they need to be in a fellowship. This is another added problem as the fellowships are limited to just 25 members as of now.
And the need for goods has started a new thing of stalking the Trader and when trades are being made in bulk , these individuals or groups come in and scoop up goods put out by members of ur fellowship to share and help each grow!
As I am very grateful to most of the new changes in the game and for all the fixes I am at the same time perplexed at why the ( one main feature of the game) the (Map) problem has not taken top place as this is where u get ur players and keep them?
So I think , just my opinion , if this does not go to the top of the list of things to take care of u will continue to see players leave the game!
Trader will not be used much as no players to use it!
U all at Inno games, Elvenar and Tim and Oliver surely can come up with a way to rid the problem of the map? U can do all these other things what is the issue ? U are doing it all backwards in my opinion! To have use of the trader ,u need players ,to have players u need an active map!
This should come before all else ! And then with this issue fixed more players will invite there friends to play and with advertising the game can be a go again!