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    Your Elvenar Team

It's only 5 KP


I know it is only 5 KP, but it made me mad enough to post about it. And wonder what will happen in the future when things similar come up.

Before I went to bed, I donated KP to another Person’s Needles of the Tempest, and went to bed. I woke the next morning to a full bar of 10 KP (same as every morning, I usually am away more than 10 hours overnight). I find out I was given 5 KP from the AW. But I got it, when my bar was empty, then over the hours until I woke up, my bar filled to ten and stopped. So it was the same as getting NOTHING.

I put in a ticket and I was basically told, “oh well”.

What should have happened, was they should have thanked me for pointing out this issue. They should put it in their system as something to “FIX”. They should have given me the 5KP.

After all it is only 5KP. I was mad after reading Elvenar’s response to me. I did not log in for a full day. In that day I lost a lot more than 5KP. It is more than just the 5KP. I do not play these games to encounter errors or bugs just to have them brush me off.

The more time I invest, the more these things mean to me.

I don’t know if I will come back. Time will tell if I miss it enough to come back, knowing how little one player means to Elvenar. Knowing I will encounter issues and nothing will be done to fix it for me and for anyone else who encounters the same problem later.

Gath Of Baal

Well-Known Member
We have been asking to be rewarded a prize box or task that pops up to collect for ancient wonders and the end of the tournament for some time now.. So that the hourly Knowledge points are not lost when we are awarded knowledge points while we are sleeping or gone for a little while.. Hopefully they will eventually listen and implement one of the many ideas that are out there to solve this situation


The suggestions of this thread are sound. Get back to me when you can and I will try to help you out. Meanwhile, I just can not sit back and watch my First Officer resign after all the hard work you have put in on the game and the Star Friends Fellowship. Please reconsider, your fellows need you.
Star Friends Fellowship.


Oh Wise One
All I can say is, it is a very common occurrance.
It seems like a small reason to take your ball and go home over.
The idea of a separate reward box is a good one.
In the meantime, you could go with the Inspiring Meditation suggestion whenever you know there is a danger of this happening.

also on the reward box
I'm guessing the devs don't want people banking KP there.
On my list of things I would like to see changed in the game, this is low priority.


See this makes me even more MAD. People have complained about it, ELVENAR KNOWS ABOUT IT, yet they do nothing. NOT A FREAKING THING!! Someone even came up with the perfect solution!! Not a freaking thing has been done to fix it.

Yet they did take the time to fix the treasure chest bug, when that bug WAS ACTUALLY A GOOD THING and everyone I know was happy with it.


I think @SoggyShorts has the right idea! They already have the Tournament "Crier" giving instruction/asking what you wish to do on the World Map - why not have him pop up on your city screen to Announce the Tournament and give a place to possibly track what you win each day, then at the end allow you to click to accept the End Result Chest(s) Rewards when *you* know you have the room? It would be much like they do for the Events - allow people to see what they had accomplished through the whole thing, and ensure nobody is loosing KP because they were full (or close to it).

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
What bugs me is every other spell can be cast twice to make it last longer, except the Inspiring Meditation spell (the one that lets you have 20 KP's in your KP bar). It can only be cast once, then you have to wait until it runs out to cast again. I would like to cast about 10 of them in a row so I would constantly have a 20 KP bar.


Mathematician par Excellence
What bugs me is every other spell can be cast twice to make it last longer, except the Inspiring Meditation spell (the one that lets you have 20 KP's in your KP bar). It can only be cast once, then you have to wait until it runs out to cast again. I would like to cast about 10 of them in a row so I would constantly have a 20 KP bar.
If they implement this after I just got back from travelling for 2 months we're gonna have words....

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
LMAO Soggy, they may never implement this, but lets hope they do before your next vacation!!
After thinking about it, if I am going to wish for something I would sooner have an option to upgrade the KP bar with diamonds, this upgrade would make it always hold 20 KP's and if spelled would hold 30. Now that would be worth spending diamonds on.
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Well-Known Member
Forge of Empires banks all KP that you get as a reward. They would come in bundles of 5 and 10 KP. I would store then up and where there was a wonder that I wanted a blueprint for (equivalent to the Rune here), I would unload so that I placed in the top 3 places to get the reward.


Forge of Empires banks all KP that you get as a reward. They would come in bundles of 5 and 10 KP. I would store then up and where there was a wonder that I wanted a blueprint for (equivalent to the Rune here), I would unload so that I placed in the top 3 places to get the reward.

in case the readers do not know, the same " INNO" owns Elvenar and Forge of Empires, so they already have the code / script to to this on this game. maybe they just feel elvenar gamers are suckers? take from them and they will just buy more diamonds to replace the stuff ?


Mathematician par Excellence
in case the readers do not know, the same " INNO" owns Elvenar and Forge of Empires, so they already have the code / script to to this on this game. maybe they just feel elvenar gamers are suckers? take from them and they will just buy more diamonds to replace the stuff ?
Because of the connection between FoE and Elvenar players have been asking for FoE style KP packs since AW were first released. My personal guess (and it's just a guess) as to why they don't implement the same thing here is to prevent players at the end of the tech tree from stockpiling mass KP.
Whenever a new guest race comes out there are some players that complete it very quickly, by spending a lot of diamonds. Having a big stack of KP in the bank would reduce this some of this spending.
Whatever the reason for not adding KP packs into Elvenar, I have offered up an alternative for the devs with my tournament quest idea where participating in a tournament completes a quest, and the FS rewards are the quest rewards. This way you could only bank 1 tournament worth of points, same for AW KP.


Oh Wise One
in case the readers do not know, the same " INNO" owns Elvenar and Forge of Empires, so they already have the code / script to to this on this game. maybe they just feel elvenar gamers are suckers? take from them and they will just buy more diamonds to replace the stuff ?
That's an enormous assumption. A little bit like saying you should be able to use Tony Hawke's roller skates in Call of duty because they both belong to Activision.