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    Your Elvenar Team

I've Had Enough...

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Inappropriate Content
I find a majority of their posts to be tiresome, boring, self-serving, gratuitous grandstanding and even more than a little bit bothersome. The amount of actual helpful information they present is minuscule and is easily obtained in the wiki. This forum is monopolized by a very small handful of people who do nothing but gripe and complain about every little thing. If you dare to disagree with what they say, they're on you like 'white on rice'. God forbid if you have an opposing viewpoint. I mean after all, what could you possibly know? You haven't been playing this free game since day 1 like they have. Yes, that's exactly where we differ!! I've spent my years in university and after that working at my career. I don't need a free game... I can afford to do whatever my heart desires. If I wanted to "buy my way" to the top I could do that too. For some quirky reason I can't fathom, there seem to be some people who think they're "special" because they've never bought diamonds. As if it's some kind of honorable thing. I know, as ridiculous as it seems, it's true.
Common threads and statements are usually...I can't win at battles anymore. Inno has let us down. People are leaving the game in droves. They quote made-up and manufactured statistics. Saying things like (and here I paraphrase) for every one person who voices a complaint it is equal to another 25 or whatever number they've decided to pull out of their butt. If they're not complaining about how hard done by they are (to anyone who'll listen) they're telling everyone how "on Beta...(insert whatever crap you want here)". They want to make sure you know they're "on Beta".
GET A LIFE!! Better yet, get a job, earn some disposable income, buy some diamonds, quit complaining and let those of us wanting to socialize and have fun, do what we came here to do.
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I understand you are talking about me. If you want to talk to me, there is a conversation feature.

Saying things like (and here I paraphrase) for every one person who voices a complaint it is equal to another 25 or whatever number they've decided to pull out of their butt.

Actually, that is from the White House of Consumer Affairs


They want to make sure you know they're "on Beta".
GET A LIFE!! Better yet, get a job, earn some disposable income, buy some diamonds, quit complaining and let those of us wanting to socialize and have fun, do what we came here to do.

It is no special thing to be on beta. It is just another server. It is wide open and anyone can join as I have said and many times asked others to join too. If people complain here it doesn't do much good because once something has been implemented on beta, we are stuck with it. So, if you want to stop something bad from happening, you better go there. As all of us did with the wholesaler nightmare that we managed to stop from being implemented here by giving lots and lots of feedback.

Common threads and statements are usually...I can't win at battles anymore.

I have quoted hundreds of others who feel that way. It is concerning because so many players DO feel that way. It is bad for the game. Inno has already stated that they intended players not to be able to win battles. That is causing people to leave THE GAME. That is a very bad thing.

What I haven't done is call out any player and make a thread just to complain about her.
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