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    Your Elvenar Team

Recruiting LEAGUE OF HEROES is looking for a few good elves (or humans)!


( ⌒ ヮ⌒)ノ.。.:*☆。:・゚ We are a warm and active Fellowship who always reach endless pit in Fellowship Adventures, and achieve the 8th or 10th chest (and occasionally higher) in Tournaments. We also regularly achieve bronze in Spire and occasionally Silver. We are still growing and are open to players of any chapter. I make a special effort to give extra help (if desired) to members chapter V or lower. Fair trades are expected above chapter V. Our Fellowship Perks at at level 22.
There are no requirements to participate in Fellowship Adventures, in Spire, or in Tournament - however, most do. And I am not expel happy, so you can live life outside of Elvenar without having to fear being kicked for not participating in a Tournament one time. We do kick players who have stopped playing Elvenar though. I also appreciate all members' input and stategize methods of improving in all areas or being more effective. We hope you can join!


No need to ask permission, just find "League of Heroes *join us" on the server and join. No invite necessary.