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    Your Elvenar Team

Let us see our own AW's

Let us see our own AW's

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


7/7/2020: Put up for voting ~ Xelie
Edit July 7: Rewrote post to put into requested format.

Enable the AW quick menu for our own AW's. We can donate to our own AW's; don't understand why we were excluded when the feature was recently introduced.

Increases ease of use, making the game more enjoyable. It will become faster to review our own AW's and donate to our own if we want.

Development effort :p

  • The quick view is easier to navigate than the traditional AW menu as it shows only ones we have built and not everything possible.
  • In the browser version, it would enabled us to see all research progress at a glance, which is otherwise not possible.
  • A space in the interface already exists. Should not be much more than copy/paste of a function call.

Screenshot Example
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Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
This would be quite handy when deciding which AW to finish next. Often there are times I've donated to a wonder I've forgotten about, or someone has donated to a wonder and I didn't realize it. Seeing them all at a glance would be awesome.


New Member
Totally agree. I lose track of my AWs. It would be ever so convenient to have that button for our own city. I can't imagine it would take much time or effort to add.

Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
@Hurtball This is a good idea. Don't let it die. ;)

The only downside I see is the missing icon helps locate yourself in the fellowship roster, but there's a solution for that. If you visit any of the rankings pages, you and your fellowship are highlighted in the lists. If your own city was highlighted in the fellowship roster in the same manner, it would help.


Oh Wise One
While their at it. How about when you click your AW tab, ( or this proposed button ) have your favorited AW come up in the first pane. Like friends' AWs do
Maybe, they could just about replace all calls to the Ancient wonders with the same one they use for other people. That might be a separate request, though, as they'd also have to make provisions for accessing your upgrade tab.

Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
Maybe, they could just about replace all calls to the Ancient wonders with the same one they use for other people. That might be a separate request, though, as they'd also have to make provisions for accessing your upgrade tab.
Well the current format when you click the AW icon on the bottom bar is still useful since it shows AWs we have not built. If we want to shunt the favorite to the front page, I'm cool with that.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Maybe, they could just about replace all calls to the Ancient wonders with the same one they use for other people. That might be a separate request, though, as they'd also have to make provisions for accessing your upgrade tab.
Yes, that is a separate request. A lot more questions need to be asked and answered if that is the goal.
My feeling is this should look and work exactly as it does if someone else clicked your name to bring it up. If you propose it to be any different, the code effort increases which could decrease the chance of it being accepted. You can donate to yourself as everyone can. That is all. You can't select a favorite or start an upgrade or see information about the AW. Let the current mechanisms deal with those aspects. If the devs want to include more than we are asking for, great. But keep this idea simple, please.
Well the current format when you click the AW icon on the bottom bar is still useful since it shows AWs we have not built.
The AW icon view also shows the AWs we haven't even unlocked. How would these issues be dealt with? I suspect there are more.