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    Your Elvenar Team

Lets get some trades going!



There are quite a number of quests involving trades - lets get some trades going!


Agreed, I have some vital trades up not because I have a quest but because I cannot move on in research until I have the goods! Come on neighbors show some love!

At least the wholesaler has a little somethin' somethin'.
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Yeah what's up. On the US server I have offers trading marble for stone and lumbar, it's been there for 3 days with no takers. There is only one guy with offers up and they are both for tiny quantities of steel and lumber and he wants the resources I don't have. Looks like I have to build all of the other manufactories due to the complete lack of trade participation as it's a better deal than the wholesaler.


With that in mind, the trader right now is a completely worthless waste of space for me. Gonna delete it and put new manufactories on the spot that make goods that I can actually use.

Edit: It appears that the trader can't be deleted. Totally screwed...don't build it until trading is fixed and there are people with trades.


you can still use the wholesaler even if your neighbors aren't trading


Yeah but why on earth would I use the wholesaler? Right now the only trade up on my world is of some joker who is offering 20 wood for 120 lumber - a rate even worse than the wholesaler's 1 to 5.

I only get a 120% bonus for marble now, so I am far better off skipping the trading thing and building my own lumber and steel with my own mills, at 45% the efficiency as marble, than getting screwed by the wholesaler at 1 to 5 (20% efficiency) or by some clown who is offering worse rates than the wholesaler. And my 4-star trades offering 100 marble for 80 lumber or steel just sit there without takers. Really weird.

So the trader is a big 4x4 building that wastes time and space and provides exactly zero value and I'm sorry I built it.

Innogames - if you aren't going to fix the trader so that it contributes meaningful positive value, then please at least add delete functionality for us so that we can rid ourselves of this useless monstrosity. Thank you.


The trader is insanely overpowered. If you know how to navigate through the skippable quests, you can get 40 of your unboosted resources for just 2000 coins and 200 supplies


Same story for me .... I am not finding anybody to trade ... I produce planks and with great difficulty found one neighbor who produces steel ... But after discovering around 30 odd neighbors (most of them being inactives) I am yet to get someone who can trade marble with me ... and its not 3-4 days issue ...I have been having this problem from the day I started to play (the day this server started) .... The inactive neighborhood is killing the interest to play this game ... I m stuck on the research tree and also anymore upgrades because of non-availability of Marble and for which the required quantity is huge ...in 1000's while I am producing without the boost at 5 per manufactory every 3 hrs ....built 5 of them ...Now i m almost reaching the tier 2 goods .. And my bad luck the one neighbor who's very active and been helping me with steel is having the same boost as I have got for tier 2 goods ... So both him and me are looking for Crystals and Silk while having loads of scrolls ... this way it goes I seriously think the remaining few playing this game will also be packing their bags soon ... I am already losing interest in this game as I cannot do anything at all except the collections and fighting a few provinces till i am able to collect the required marble which I think will take days ...And then I really dont know what should be doing for the crystals and Silk requirements??


I had that problem in beta, thankfully I've got a good neighborhood going on this server, or I'd probably have lost interest as well.


Its the other way around for me .. I have got some active neighbors in the Beta, not many but can survive atleast over there ...but here its zero ... I am actually stuck from here on and I really cannot play anymore as there are absolutely no trades going for tier 2 goods in my surrounding and the research I have completed just now needs in many 100's of both the tier 2 goods i do not have boost for ....I cannot build the manufactories for them because I do not have space....and also not enough resources for that to upgrade (goods) ...So thats it for me on this server till i can find a way to do something in the game other than collecting coins and supplies ...Even the KPs are useless for me now

I know the solution they have planned because of what's implemented in the beta already but thats not really a solution ...I would still end up spending a lot of my goods in exchange for the goods I need which are required in huge quantities both for the researches and upgrades ...All in all I do really think Its useless playing this game in this server for me anymore till they do have a proper solution for the inactive neighborhood issue or bring up some kind of alliance / clan / guild / groupism in this game where we can actually interact with others and get our requirements in the manner the game was intended to be played when it was designed ...


Well I have around 26 neighbors discovered- and only 2-3 are active in any way.....all other neighbors have not upgraded their city in the last few days at all.....so nothing to trade....don't build the trader - its a total waste of space (since you can not delete it).


Yep, after more than 10 days of playing I get absolutely no offers in the trader.
Nobody picks up my 4 star rated offers for days. There are obviously only 2 active players in my vicinity :-(
Trader space is completely useless and can't be sold ...


It still is helpful because of the wholeseller. Also you can mail the active ones and set up some sort of trade situation based on boosted or supply/demand. I get my trades done often enough to not fall behind much and the Trader's Wholeseller feature allows to fill holes.

I'd like us to have some wider scale organization of trading... even if trader will take it's bit on some, we still, make up for the inactivity more.

Perhaps someone would have an idea of how they could move active ones closer once inactive players are cleared... unless this is already know. As this would also improve trading.


They should remove inactive players as your neighbors and let new ones settle there....I have only about 2-3 players (from 26 I have discovered) which are playing at all and these are also elves...so no trade going on there.....and the wholesaler does not offer all goods (only 2 in fact) - so no help there too...


They should remove inactive players as your neighbors and let new ones settle there....I have only about 2-3 players (from 26 I have discovered) which are playing at all and these are also elves...so no trade going on there.....and the wholesaler does not offer all goods (only 2 in fact) - so no help there too...
The wholesaler will never offer your boosted goods. He will offer the other two goods in your tier, he will offer the two, non-boosted goods of the higher tiers when you unlock that boosted research. For example, when you research Crystals Boost - the wholesaler will offer Scrolls and Silk.


I see, but it still most of my neighbors are not playing at all. It would be great, if they could be removed to make place for active players :)
Or that we could invite friends to trade with.
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I need marble and steel. Im offering planks on 1:1 trade offer.


I feel your pain. I looked and I don't see any of you in my hood yet or I would gladly trade. The people I do see are totally useless and not participating, save one or two of them. Sad, very sad.