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    Your Elvenar Team

Level 10 FS Recruiting Active Players


We are Dragons of the Myst and one of our long-time members had to leave due to real-life commitments. Bad news for us but good news for you because now we have an opening! Applicants must be goal-oriented and be strong in both Spire and the Tournament. Team player is a must!
We are a strong silver in the Spire (still trying to achieve our first Gold) and we usually hit 11+ chests in the tournament. Our Kp swap threads are very active and our Sticks to Bricks program for AW's gets new AW's up and going quickly. We have a strong core group who is always willing to help anyone out.
Crystal, Marble and/or Gems players welcome!

Contact Tintella or Constant in-game if interested in joining! Hope to see you soon as a Dragon!


Looking for an active fellowship that achieves 10+ chests in the tourney, has an active chat window and runs contests? We do all that! :) Come and join us; we have fellowship openings that you would fit perfectly into! Looking to rebuild that 25 member fellowship and you could be one of the lucky ones to help us do just that. Come on in and join the Dragons!


Looking, looking, looking .... we see you! We know you're out there and you are looking for a supportive and team-oriented fs. Well, what are you waiting for? Here we are AND we have openings! It's the perfect time to join our team!


Do you need an active fellowship? Once that has kp swap threads, an active Trader and friendly faces? Contact myself or Constant in-game. We have a place waiting for you!


We have had several players leave the game due to unfortunate situations in RL so, now, we are looking to rebuild the fs. We have 5 openings for the right players. Spire and Tourney focused, team players that enjoy having lively conversations. Also looking for marble and/or crystal boosts. We are a 10+ chest fs and we are at Level 11 in FS perks. We are also a strong silver in the Spire, looking to achieve gold. We know there are players out there that would fit in with us like pieces to a puzzle :) Contact Tintella or Constant, in-game, for more information or to join!


Summer is coming and we have some openings available in the fs! Join us while things are slow, calm and easy-going. Looking for some friendly, helpful souls that want to help make the fs a great place to spend some time :)