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Level IV Research "Advanced Elixir Manufactory"


I was quested to "Research City Expasion 10 or 11", so first I researched and activated "Advanced Elixir Manufactory", The green arrows indicated I could proceed to City Expansion...the display did not allow data entry so I went back to "Advanced Elixir Manufactory. HOWEVER am I required to reseach all three Advance Manufactory before I can research "City Expansio?

If so the arrows are wrong and the Questor never should have requested it or it should have had a denial option.

If I need to research all level three "Advanced Manufactury" it is NOT reasonable. S0o far I have wasted 22 Knowledge Points.


Research IV bug.jpg


Hi, Grand Lady. Yes, you will have to research all 3 manufactories (Elixer, Dust, Gems) in order to "open" City Expansions 10 & 11.

When you see things in the Tech Tree connected by multiple arrows, it normally means you can't get past that section until you fully fill it in.
I am boosted in Elixer, so I have not built Gems or Dust factories as I am in a Fellowship & can trade for those goods instead. So it's frustrating that I have to research those buildings anyway, but that is how the game works for everyone. At least it is "fair" in the sense that everyone has to do it - not just you. The 22 KPs you have spent are not wasted in that you do have to fill those items in so that you can open the next part.

Sometimes a quest comes up that you cannot decline & it is rather far away and could take quite a while to get to. Other times the quest might not be THAT far away but you might choose to do other things instead, depending on what your priority is. (For example, the quest might ask you to research a troop upgrade, but you really need an expansion in order to build something, so you work on the expansion first).

If you don't already do so, one option to earn more KPs so that you fill the Tech Tree items faster is to participate in Tournaments, even if they are not for your boosted goods. A lot will depend on how many goods you have if you choose to cater the Tournament, or if you have enough troops available to fight, but it might be something that works for you.

Hope my feedback helps even though it's probably not what you wanted to hear. Have fun playing!