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    Your Elvenar Team

List of players with Wonders


It would be really handy to have a either a list of players with Ancient Wonders or to at least have some sort of notation in the ranking list if a player has a Wonder. It would help people who want to donate to Wonders.


I agree. Right now they seem like a mythical unicorn I cannot catch.
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Take a look at the December InnoGames YouTube promo,

If you zoom in at 2:15, you can see that a ranked list some sort of activity associated with Provinces. Maybe that's how we're going to win more Rune Shards?

Regarding a list of the Ancient Wonders, I share your concern and I'm also worried about the lack of a contribution history. You may want to chip in over at https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/knowledge-point-clubs-an-analysis.1136/
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