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    Your Elvenar Team

Login Problem

  • Thread starter Insanity Talisman
  • Start date


Game Version: 0.28.1954-69052f4-(master) (2015-11-03 11:42)
Game World: Arendyll
Browser & Version: Firefox 42.0, Internet Explorer 10, Opera 33
Flash Player Version: 19
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account Name: Insanity Talisman
Humans or Elves: Elves
Hardware Acceleration: Off
Reproducibility: 5/5

First off, I want to emphasize that I can log on just fine with my main PC.

The actual bug happened when I attempted to log into the game on a laptop at a friend's house, and instead of loading my city, I was taken to the race selection screen, as though I had chosen to create a new game, which I had not. I checked for updates, cleared the cache for Flash Player and for each of the browsers I tried to use, and the result was the same.

I must admit that I panicked, thinking that the city I had built for the last five months was gone, but thankfully it is still here. Regardless, only being able to play at a certain location is a huge drawback for an online game.

Ah, hopefully, I am doing something stupidly easy to correct. *crosses fingers*


Not to be TOO simpleminded, but under the general category of "stupidly easy," are you CERTAIN that you were accessing the US regional server, there's a rollbar at the top of the login screen, and that you spelled your name exactly right?


Not to be TOO simpleminded, but under the general category of "stupidly easy," are you CERTAIN that you were accessing the US regional server, there's a rollbar at the top of the login screen, and that you spelled your name exactly right?

Yes, but I thank you for your input.


You were right, Katwijk. I wasn't paying enough attention to the little flag at the top. On the laptop, it was set to the EN server, while I actually use the US server on my computer... Time to go comfort my pride and whisper, "It's okay. Shhh..."