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    Your Elvenar Team

Lose too often “whining here”


I’m far enough out in provinces where I meet many more types of troops than I have. It takes hours and hours to raise troops and moments to defeat mine. I am at level 5 - almost to 6. I was able to muddle through with cursory knowledge in the past but now I lose quite often. I am not a strategist. I try but the more variables the harder it is for me to weigh all the options. I just get confused and spend many minutes and hours alternating between Mykan’s battle guide and the encounter/province I want to win.

Tips? Tricks? Lists? Go to’s? Encouragement :) ?


Deleted User - 1613947

I’m far enough out in provinces where I meet many more types of troops than I have. It takes hours and hours to raise troops and moments to defeat mine. I am at level 5 - almost to 6. I was able to muddle through with cursory knowledge in the past but now I lose quite often. I am not a strategist. I try but the more variables the harder it is for me to weigh all the options. I just get confused and spend many minutes and hours alternating between Mykan’s battle guide and the encounter/province I want to win.

Tips? Tricks? Lists? Go to’s? Encouragement :) ?


Hi, there are tons and tons of videos on you tube highlighting techniques and how to's... if you are on face book there are two excellent groups - Gems of Knowledge and Platinum Leaf. Both of these groups have wonderful resources and experts to help you. I am no expert, I have learned not to give up, EVER, and try different things. Talk to your Arch mage and Mages and players in you Fellowship to help you. ;) Oh dont forget to check out WIKI in game play (lower right corner) https://www.facebook.com/groups/GemsOfElvenar/


Oh Wise One
Probably the first question is should you be fighting or catering. A lot of people when they struggle put it down to combat strategy or auto-fight but sometimes it is that they shouldn't even have tried to fight as the game was designed for them to lose the fight. Are you aware of how to compare your squad size to the enemy to decide if you should fight? Or in very simple terms, what colour difficulty is the province that you are struggling with - blue, green, yellow, red?

Once you know a fight is winnable then the links above for strategy help will serve you well.


Now that is a very good question. I do see squad size, I’m pretty sure. I am on my IPad today so I can’t see that right now but squad size is on the window when you go into to fight as I recall. I don’t know about the color difficulty.


Oh Wise One
When you are looking at squad size you ideally want an enemy battle that has 5 squads as it is comparable to your 5 squads. If they have more or less total squads you have to adjust their number to be able to compare it.

My combat guide has a section at the top to do with when you should fight.
The first chart shows you how squad size relates to the difficulty in provinces (use colour coding as an approximate) or to tournaments (use star system). The comparison can help with understanding the difficulty. I found someone who was upset at losing fights that were harder than a final round tournament fight, once they realised that it was easier for them to understand just how hard a fight they were trying to do.

Another gauge is to look at your provinces compared to the minimum provinces for your chapter (chest at end of chapter has the minimum number). This is more difficult as the gap between minimum provinces and achievable provinces by combat increases every chapter. For example if your 30 provinces above the minimum in chapter 3 you wont be able to win via combat but in chapter 10 with a gap of 30 the fights might all still be easy (green). This method is easier to guess at for earlier chapters, particularly those pre-orcs. A number of people scout out to the 11th ring and hit the orc barrier while still in dwarves (or similar chapter), we know this is a hard cap that inno has placed on expansion in the first 7 chapters.


Are you in a Fellowship doing tournaments? Tournaments are a great way to learn how to improve, for a few reasons. First, in the early rounds, your tourney squad size is tiny compared to your real squad size. So if you lose a battle, instead of losing 5 squads, you might lose 0.2 squads. Much less pressure.
Second, the tournament enemy compositions are the same as the province compositions. So you get to see what combinations work well against certain enemy types, and you get to see how the first few rounds of battles play out.
Lastly, unrelated - if you're serious about using your military in this game, invest in some AWs. Even if you just build a Monastery/Sanctuary, it makes a huge difference.


Thanks. Just beginning to get the runes for the Monastery but you can bet I'll build it as soon as I am able. I do play most tournaments and did often lose the harder battles but with the help of the information you all have given me I am learning. :)

If all your troops haven't been killed do the remaining troops return to the barracks?


If all your troops haven't been killed do the remaining troops return to the barracks?
With losses applied, yes.
So if you show up with 5 squads of archers, and each squad loses 50% of their health but win the fight, you return with 2.5 squads of archers.
That's why some tournaments (mainly ones like Scrolls where you use light infantry and the enemy uses ranged attackers) are so tough. You end up winning each fight, but your units take a ton of attrition in the process of getting into melee range, and due to having lower initiative.

Compare that to certain Steel fights, where you might send 5 archers vs 5 heavy melee, and your guys never even get touched because of their attack range. You can win a lot more tournament points with 100 squads of archers during steel vs 100 squads of sword dancers during scrolls.