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    Your Elvenar Team

Lost Coins

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Jules 2

New Member
Have you ever noticed that when cashing in you coins that you are being short changed.

Example, you cash up 40k when you only have space for 30k and the total will stop at 1 coin short of your max. you then cash in another res at 40k and you are full, thus wasted 50k of coins.

I have noticed this been going on for many months.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Jules 2

New Member
OK, I'll spell it out for you.
When you are cashing in dozens of res, you don't stop on each to make sure you get each coin entitlement in fully received. When you dribble feed you can see what is happening. You carry on filling your buckets with a fire hydrant and you know you are going to waste water. I don't want to waste my coins.
If you are happy to waste hundreds of thousands of coins, keep using your buckets.


Well-Known Member
Jules, maybe I am not understanding what your complaint is, exactly. You have to be careful when collecting your coins that you don't grab too many. If you need space in your "bank," buy a knowledge point or two. I usually glance at my money bar to see how close it is to max before I collect from my residences. If it is too close to max, I just buy some KPs (or go to the wholesaler if you really want goods) and drop it down to a safe level. Then I can drag across the whole mess without worry.


Oh Wise One
I'm really confused by the talk of res'.
When I collect from my "houses", I just slide down the whole line and if my bank gets filled a bunch of them have black coins hanging over them until I buy some goods or KP.
The only time I lose coins in a harvest is if I don't notice my bank is near full and click either my Main Hall or GA.

Jules 2

New Member
When you collect first thing in the morning you are collecting maybe a couple of 1,000k coin and you just sweep them all relying on the system stopping when full (which it does) so you may loose part of JUST the last res (house) coin entitlement. But, in reality when I have stopped by chance just short of being full I notice that MOST of the time it will stop on xx9999999 coins, thus, had you carried on sweeping you would have added another res at 50k just to fill the 1 outstanding space.
to some of you, it seems that I might seem a bit paranoid on this but this is happening every day and the 50ks mount up over the months. Inno Games is gaining on these lost coins.

Jules 2

New Member
Found out from another source that Inno Games is aware of this deception, but nothing being done about it...
Thanks for your comments anyway


Buddy Fan Club member
Found out from another source that Inno Games is aware of this deception
I'm not sure it is a deception, but it is a game mechanic worth learning about. You have the option to click on each building one at a time to collect whatever resource, or you can use the multi-collect feature. If you choose to use the multi-collect feature and you choose to ignore your main hall storage capacity while doing so, I'm not sure it's fair to blame Inno for that. The same thing happens if you multi-collect supplies from workshops and you don't have adequate storage space for the supplies. They have a mechanism to stop you once your storage is full. There is no mechanism to stop you from collecting before your storage is full. It seems like what you're asking for would require developing game mechanics that could predict what you were going to do next (continue sweeping houses, start collecting one at a time, move from residences to factories or workshops and continue with the sweep there, etc.) I don't know how reasonable it is to expect them to do that.
I've done it, and will probably do it again. And it annoys me when I do it, but I get annoyed at myself for not paying attention, not with a game mechanic that's been in place since before I even started playing the game.


Inno Games is gaining on these lost coins.

Inno Games is aware of this deception

Exactly how do you think are they gaining and what do you think are they gaining? You're not buying coins with diamonds, so they're not swindling you out of real-life cash. The coins replenish on their own without any action on your part, so in reality, you're really not losing out on anything.


Oh Wise One
I will say, I think the seriousness with which we take your complaint;
is in direct proportion to how concerned we are about coin.
By which I mean,
someone like me who fills their inventory a couple times a day despite buying KP and goods, and doing upgrades, just doesn't get too excited about losing a couple thousand coins.


Ex-Team Member

As you have stated above, this is a known issue that have been brought to the developers attention. I will simply close this thread, and if you have any further information about the bug, please refer to our bug section and add to the current open thread.

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