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    Your Elvenar Team

Magic Academy simple changes makes players and innogames happy


People rant about the magic academy not being worth the space because you can't ever make enough spells to keep it as productive as if the space had workshops... and also how the elves get punished by 5 extra spaces
(as extensions are 450 diamonds for the first, and 5 is 20 percent of 25, I'd say building the academy is equivalent to losing 90 diamonds more than humans as a benchmark of how elf players are EXTRA annoyed by it)

My solution is to give it an extra function: a small bonus of some sort.

-Maybe it raises supply production by 5 percent flat? Suddenly everyone likes the academy and everyone has one!

-Maybe it has the culture-value-per-square of your best cultural building (including any polish and spells) automatically? Suddenly everyone likes the academy and everyone has one!

-Maybe it makes a permanent plus 10 percent combat bonus to all units stats? Then everyone needs it and everyone builds it soon!

-Maybe some other small bonus making you feel the space is used wisely, even if not overpowered, even when not casting any of the spells?

As for the 5 extra spaces of elven academy, considering the elven trader is 4 squares smaller and both building would be built by all players in my plan, the inequity of a single space is more tolerable.

My type of ideas will be much better than some people restarting on another server rather than enduring the loss of space in their quest for a "perfect town" or "super competitive game". 2 of my friends restarted, and 2 of my friends quit over this during my first week in Elvenar, it was pretty darn harsh and I almost quit from friends inactivity...

P.S.: and more people would build the magic academy = more people considering spending diamonds on upgrading it (HINT: without making the spells more powerful, to boot, so the spending elsewhere is MAINTAINTED so it's a pure profit to innogames). That's probably the part where InnoGames decides my plan is worthy!


i definitely approve this suggestion or anything that spices up the magic academy! i really do not make spells, mainly cuz i forget and really do not need them, even though i have tons of relics being almost done with fairies. also in my 2nd world, which i opened to see how the human half worked, i started with tons of workshops (my basic strategy i share with all my members of my two fellowships ~ one for each manufactory + 2 for the barracks minimum). the main reason i placed the academy when they became part of the game is i predicted that future game events would start there. i also suggest to my members that they have 4 of each boost, no more no less while i have 5 and mass produce, so those spells i definitely do not need either,


zenzenzen - thank you, and you're right on the mark. You're making the suggestions some players made when the Academy first became the subject of debate. This isn't belittling your observations - it's actually validating them. The more players who independently arrive at similar solutions, the more likely it is that they're reasonable.


I also pointed out that as a "please buy diamonds" buildings, it's current inefficiency is costing InnoGames real cash even if people build it --- it has a definite hate-vibe and that affects player purchase behavior.

People refusing to build it (quests or no quests) are also costing InnoGames extra logins from the fun of other quests after it being lost, and the potential of diamond purchase from the greater player longevity.

...not to mention people who quit. Don't InnoGames do enough analytics to know after which quest people quit the game most???


Any bonus to the building itself even some culture points would be easy and make a lot of people happy

We'd probably stop complaining about the magic-less spells, if the building itself were magical. For example, w each age its value increased - especially of interest would be a flat percentage added to culture culture. If it helped bump culture up the additional 25% by the end of Fairy Research - then we'd be able to use the culture spells and the whole thing would be great.