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    Your Elvenar Team

Make loading production buildings easier


One of the most tedious things in the game is selecting the production you want in the many production buildings.

It is very nice that when collecting gold or goods we can just swipe the mouse across the buildings and pick up every thing in one swipe. If we had to click on each individual building to collect things that would just drive you nuts. So what I'm looking for is the same ease when loading production buildings.

We all have lots of workshops for instance, and we have to go to each one and most often are selecting the exact same thing in each.

It would be very nice if there was a simple check box that you could select "Load all empty Workshops with the same order". So you go to one workshop and load all of them in one step, instead of going to 15 (or however many) and doing the same thing over and over.

And of course do the same thing in every type of production building.


I could not agree more.

I realize this is an older post, but I figure there is no point in starting a new topic.

I have played MANY games like this over the years and I always start out with SO much enthusiasm...the game is SO fun..

But then about a month or two in, I end up quitting.

Why? Just the tediousness of logging in multiple times a day to click on multiple buildings. I don't mind logging in multiple times a day to do things like collect my knowledge books, scout, attack a province, etc. But just queuing up workshops has already become a tad bit tedious...

I even asked a dev in another game, what is the point of having us log in 10 times a day to click on 50+ buildings each time and I never got a response.

Any dev care to respond here? What is the actual point of clicking on what I am guessing will be 50+ buildings at some point, multiple times a day? It adds NOTHING to the game and certainly is not "fun".

There is also an opportunity to make money here (I am sure the F2P players will hate me, but hey, games aren't run for free).

What I propose is a "foreman" that has a one time cost of diamonds. The foreman would allow you to click on one building and assign a task to all buildings of that type (again, hate on it all you want, but no one else would do their job for FREE, why should devs?).

And no one is saying this system should REPLACE the current system. So those that want to continue to click on each individual building to queue up tasks, CAN.

I really do like this game. But in just the two or so weeks I have played, I am already starting to dread having to log in multiple times a day just to queue up my workshops...it just isn't FUN. Everything ELSE about the game is great. :)