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    Your Elvenar Team

Make MA Crafting offerings based more on previous choices.


New Member
When I play this game I like all the benefits of fighting in tournaments or up the spire. That being said, it has been noted by a few in my fellowship that the military boosters like enlightened archers or magnificent mages has been scarce at best. Wondering if there is a switch you can throw or something you can add that would monitor our choices and give us more of a category of what we produce, with intermittent random offerings... Like if I choose a military boosters then offer me more of those. Or If I like KP for ancient wonders, offer me more of those... Etc...


Well-Known Member
getting more of what you want would kinda ruin the math on what to offer. suppose you change your mind or strategy? then you'd be all like "i never see xxxx."
the offerings are in balance because they dont really want you to have stockpiles of stuff.