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Make other than Provision of Power spells

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 1061148
  • Start date

Deleted User - 1061148

I get so bored at always making soooo many Power of Provision spells during a quest. Why can't we start making other different spells to spice it up a bit?


If I had to guess... This would be a balancing thing... Since everyone gets the Power of Provision Spell at the beginning when they build the magic guild, it would make sense to make the quest attainable. Perhaps they could make quests a bit more scaled like with the tiered rewards for certain prizes?

Deleted User - 1061148

Or perhaps, not specify the spell... simply "gain three spells" then the player can choose which three.
Yes! that is an excellent idea!! Cuz they all take time to make-let us decide what to make!!