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    Your Elvenar Team

Make the Builders hut more visible

One of the biggest frustrations I have with the game is that the Builders hut is so hard to pick out of most cities. I am trying to do my daily visits and I get annoyed when a fellowship member specified "B". I know I am going to spend a couple minutes trying to find the builders hut.

Could you please change the graphic for the builders hut and either make them brighter colors or give them some animation to catch the eye?


Oh Wise One
This is a very popular request. You may wish to consider participating in the beta game and forums, where the devs actually pay attention to requests if enough people support them. (Note: doesn't guarantee they will do anything, only that they will notice them.) None of the devs are regular participants on the live forums. The only way to catch their attention is to have a successful poll on the beta which the volunteer community managers will forward.

In the meantime, we are encouraged to search forums (up at the very top right) before posting suggestions, to avoid duplicates. if it seems like a pretty basic idea, there's a very good chance it's a duplicate. We are not particularly discouraged from resurrecting old threads if we feel we have something to add.