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fewer higher ones for sure. As buildings level up, they become more efficient for the spaces they take up, and space on your city map is the hardest resource to come by.

Also only build the ones you are boosted in. Do not bother with the rest. It is much better to then trade for the goods you need (a good fellowship makes this easy, but so can a strong neighbourhood).

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Welcome to the game and forum.

Much, much better to have the highest level you can for your manus. Once they are fully boosted, you will produce 8 times the amount of goods for the same cost in coins and supplies as you will in non-boosted manus. Just having 10 relics makes them produce double what the non-boosted does.


Oh Wise One
All of the above is true, in general. But during an event, there is an advantage to having some extra level ones of your boosted manufactories for finishing quests. You can let them sit around at three hour or nine hour productions without facing a loss for not restarting them all the time.