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    Your Elvenar Team

Marble vs Planks


I started playing on 2 servers at the same time. Both human. One has Planks, one has Marble. How come at level 6 each, I can make 50% more planks than I can marble? It's not from boosts or relics, they are exactly even. And it's not just me, I have chatted with guild mates who have seen this too. That's pretty unfair, don't you think?


The buildings are not all the same size. If you consider the production PER FOOTPRINT SQUARE, then you'll be much happier with the numbers. As a rough rule of thumb, Human buildings tend to be smaller, so you'll need more of them.

There's also a bit of variation as you upgrade each building. They're typically a bit low immediately after they change sizes, and then improve somewhat.
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Ah, I didn't think about the size. I guess the marble must cost less to build and upgrade since you'd need more to produce the numbers the planks make. Thanks for that info. :)


Dax, the long term factor is that the manufactories don't have equivalent scoring power. For example, a Level 15 Magic Dust scores 118 points per grid. An equivalent Elixir scores 125.2 per grid. Comparing Silk to Scrolls: 103:97 per grid.

Given that the entire Elvenar strategy is to maximize score / production per grid, this 5-7 point variance per square really adds up. It means that,from the get go, a player is given a permanent advantage or disadvantage based on the random assignment of boosted goods.

Since every advanced player will need 4-6 Magic manufactories, an Elixir player will score 140 more points per building than the Dust player. In my game right now, I have 19 Planks, which score about 70 each points higher than my nearest competitor's Marble - giving me an advantage over 1000 points.

Definitely one of Inno's worst key development decisions. Nothing like enticing a player into a game until he feels vested, and then bam! Sorry, you've drawn a bad hand and there's nothing you can do about it.


Wow, yah that's kinda terrible. On the world I have planks, my 3 level 5 factories produce way more than I need, and I can trade for anything else. On the world with my marble ones, I have 4 and don't produce as much. I can't hardly trade marble for anything else.


Bobbi....have you done a comparison to see if maybe it evens out for all your goods? That if you get more points for your tier 1 goods, that maybe your tier 3 goods have a lower point total? Or is it possible to have any combination of goods and therefore some people will for sure be getting a bigger point advantage than others?

Also... with the elixir player getting 140 points more per square it also means that this player needs more population and culture to support that higher point total. So, then some of the elixir's player's city will be wasted with more culture which gives zero points...spaces that could be used for something that gives more points to balance it out? Just thinking out loud here.


I'd rather have the higher producing goods regardless of culture and population issues, as I can trade the extra for anything I want, as opposed to having a constant shortfall and never being able to trade.