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    Your Elvenar Team

"Meet the Developers"


Platinum Leaf -FB
"Meet the Developers"

InnoGames GmbH is a developer and publisher of browser-based and mobile free-to-play online games which, by the end of 2012, had reached 100 million registered players and generated about 50 million Euro in revenue. The figure has since grown to over 150 million.

In 2003, founders Hendrik and Eike created and released the browser-based online game Die Stämme as a hobby project. Due to its success, they decided to work full-time on the development and publishing of browser games. InnoGames was founded in early 2007 to handle the operation and continued development of the game. Since then, the company has developed new games which are published worldwide.
In May 2010, the investor Fidelity Growth Partners Europe (FGPE) joined InnoGames with a minority share. Also in 2010, former Electronic Arts executive Gerhard Florin joined InnoGames as Chairman.

While InnoGames still focuses on browser development, a shift toward mobile and cross-platform play is on-going. The first title that the company launched on mobile platforms was Tribal Wars, followed by the mobile version of Grepolis in 2013.
In 2014, Forge of Empires was also converted to tablet and mobile and increased the company's revenues.

Hopefully Elvenar will follow soon!


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Platinum Leaf -FB
I just did today's Survey

They asked:
Is there another race (or races) which you could imagine in Elvenar and which is not mentioned in the list above?

I replied:
What about 'Inno Developers'?
They are hyperactive little gremlins who live in Hamburg. They are super-intelligent and are forever dreaming up new gizmos and gimmicks.
Sadly they are bad tempered too - and if you annoy them, they will play tricks on you when you least expect it!
You could have lots of fun with this - if you have a sense of humor!!


http://stackoverflow.com/jobs/companies/innogames also contains quite of bit of interesting information about InnoGames.

So long as you're answering questions, take a shot at THESE, which are included in the job listing for a Linux System DevOps Engineer.
Very good knowledge of the Linux operating system, ideally Debian
To apply, please answer the following questions and attach the answers to your application:
  1. Which commands would you use to get the count of currently opened network connections of a web server process on Linux?
  2. Using the scripting language of your choice: replace all strings "duck with '\goose in all files in the directory /flying things/ and it's sub directories.
  3. In a few sentences discuss in what kind of environment would you prefer a software RAID to a hardware solution.
Connecting a few of the above dots, some trade journal information regarding the release of Debian Jessie 8.4 earlier this month, and the fact we have a data migration that's been rescheduled for the 24th, gives us some insight into our server environment. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian
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