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    Your Elvenar Team

missing trades

  • Thread starter KestralDragonDreamer
  • Start date


I have had this happen twice now and am wondering if anyone else has experienced it. I put up a trade offering 900 crystals in exchange for 900 silk and it was picked up by another guild member right away. when I checked a few minutes later, I had not received the silk but my crystals were gone. The same thing happened the other day, trading crystal for silk and I asked the other fellow guild member and he said that the trade did not look like it went through for some reason. Any ideas or suggestions?


There are various ways for an update packet to fall into a crack. Right clicking on your browser tab and clicking reload/refresh (or F5 on most browsers) causes fresh status data to be downloaded from the server. If the numbers are STILL wrong after a refresh, and you have figured out a reliable way to replicate the pattern, then you need to post a bug report.


Should you have a specific problem with a trade, please submit a support ticket so that we can actually discuss your player account with you, as we are unable to give specific account information on the open forum.

Thank you.


Active Member
I thought I had a problem with missing goods/ resources, as did a number of people in our fellowship. Turns out, when the game servers are extremely busy with lots of players and transactions - posting of trades, harvests/ collections etc can be delayed significantly. One of our players timed a posting at nearly 20 minutes after his transaction.
I had an instance where I was about to logout for the night and saw I still had resources to use. I set a large building upgrade, assumed the game took those resources immediately and logged out. Next morning, I thought I was missing resources. It was beyond confusing, annoying - you name it. What happened though, was the server was delayed taking the resources - the server took the resources for the upgrade after I logged off. At least that's what other players and I determined, based on information supplied by AElfwine and the devs logging system.
During peak play hours, watch your resources. Keep in mind transactions might be delayed.