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    Your Elvenar Team

More Space is Required in Cities


Many of our players are approaching capacity on available city space. They have an excess of Expansions that cannot even be used. Available AW's now exceed available space to place them (without completely destroying previous buildings.... Costs in hammers can exceed available storage....

What is being done to resolve this? Or are we at our end game and should find somewhere else to spend our time, effort, and dollars?

I've placed a Support ticket, and would encourage others to do the same.

Thank you,



I am a teammate of Bear's and I am quickly approaching the end of expandable territory. I hope that everyone will join in with a letter writing campaign to address this problem. The game will die if more territory is not opened up for expansion. I have spent a good sum of real money only to get to the end and have it die is not a suitable outcome.



They are going to add 10 expansions to the grid when next guest race is released


*When*..... players are losing interest..... we've waited for so much promised material / content..... I don't suppose they will also allow some mechanism for re-organizing cities, as the 10 additional will likely be in a block that could not have possibly been planned for previously....


The next guest race was just recently released on beta
They usually release things 2 weeks after beta release
The last time they expanded the grid they added 9 along the bottom
This time it will be 10 along the left side of grid
So the total grid size will be 10 expansion x 10 expansion