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Must I complete all research

Gath Of Baal

Well-Known Member
If you hover your pointer over the next research you will see the little lines light up that show you what you need to unlock to be able to open that one up... I just do the knowledge's as I get to them.. you may change your mind about fighting with troops later and its always good to have them unlocked.
Some troops you can skip, but they are notorious for making them mandatory later stopping your progress and making you backtrack


I sold off all my military buildings except for the barracks the troops made in it are fine for tourneys and i cater for the most part as well with some fighting - yes you have to complete all the tech tree even for ones for fighting - hey someday i may rebuild those military buildings but for now i don't need them - rather have the space for something else - that is just my 2 cents on it - i even got rid of AW's that based on military again save space


Inno give us a choice, hmmm interesting, but will never happen, I hate to say, see what they did to the wholesaler, would you really trust them to do something like that?


Yes jps54, i guess you are right. This may have started as a fun and free game but at every turn they find some way to make it more difficult to advance unless we are willing to invest hard cash.
I do understand that they need to make a living and that spending some money is ok. A PS4 or XBox game costs $80/90 and if we played at the pace this game goes we would probably only ever need one game, therefore I have spent that amount on this game but that is all I am willing to spend unless they can make things better.


Oh Wise One
Thanks all for your replies/comments. I just wish we were given a choice in how we create our cities

Inno have mentioned they want us to have the choice to switch between military and negotiating at any time. The inference is we have to research basically everything so we can swap around as desired (not to mention easier to program). You however still have complete control on how you implement those options into your town. You can even build a town without a barracks if you want but this will likely block your mainline quests.


Active Member
GREAT!!!!! now I have to collect and waste thousands of goods and gold on something I will not use, I guess the game developers do not believe in a peaceful society.
Thanks Gath of Baal, I checked lines and although one shows two connections it appears I must complete both to continue.

I feel the same. I want to be able to build an artistic cultural city, which in real life, there are. But as cool as some of the buildings are- these cities all end up being exactly the same, just row after row mashed together. It lacks charm. Ugly.

If they allowed people to build their own style of city- it would make other players WANT to explore more....and they would have better player retention and earn more.

When I started, I had no idea...but I hoped it would let me build my way....it doesn't.