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Neighborly Help not working


I cannot offer neighborly help to bonnie2 in Arendyll. Her town's name is Sproutville. Her town hall has been under construction for several days. I do not have the same problem with any other neighbor in either world. When I click on the neighborly help icon, no handshakes appear over any buildings. As this is specific to that town and I help about 15 others in both worlds every day, I don't think it is a problem with my computer.

I am using Mozilla on my Windows 8 ASUS laptop. And that is as technical as I get, sorry. Don't know how to do screenshots :( Barely understand emoticons.

I just thought you might want to look in on bonnie2 to see if there is a problem.



Unfortunately, this is not a bug or glitch in the system. I am familiar with the issue you are experiencing, however. This is due to the fact that this player queued a Main Hall upgrade and logged out. The system does not complete your constructions when you are offline - it will halt them and when you log on they will instantly finish. This player queued the upgrade and has yet to log back into the game. When they do, their upgrade will complete and neighborly help will be possible again. Otherwise, they are considered inactive and will automatically delete from the world during the next inactive purge.


Only the owner can change the status of their own buildings. If you think about it, this is just the same as only the owner being able to collect supplies, coins, and goods, which are also status changes. Buildings that are under construction won't complete until the owner shows up again.

Changing hats, the code segment for visiting and polishing is far more limited than the module that's used by owners.


Thanks. I was with you up to "code segments". Very pretty buildings and animations, though :) I do have another question. When I visit some cities, I can only give neighborly help to the Main Hall. Does this mean someone else has already helped the Builders, but I just can't see it? Is that what you mean by code segments?
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  • Cultural buffs last for 8 hours
  • Builder buffs last until they are used up by the owner
  • Main Hall buffs are ALWAYS possible, unless the Main Hall is being upgraded.
One VERY important consideration is that returning a visit will earn SUPPLIES as well as Coins.

Code segments are the smart part of the program. It's like having different tools for different things. You don't want to use a hammer when you need a drill.


Thanks. I was with you up to "code segments". Very pretty buildings and animations, though :) I do have another question. When I visit some cities, I can only give neighborly help to the Main Hall. Does this mean someone else has already helped the Builders, but I just can't see it? Is that what you mean by code segments?

People want to get to the top tiers of the Culture boost so most people want their culture boosted. Which is why the fellowships was made to get more people to help you out getting to the top tiers. I dont need money so I dont need the main hall hit nor do I need the builders. Because it dont seem to help me as much as the culture boosts.


Yes, I have noticed that I prefer the Culture Boost more than the others. But few of my neighbours are logging in, so most of the boosting is outgoing rather than incoming. I've received three Culture Boosts, and seeing those hands for a few hours boosts me, too! The other hands disappear too soon.


Many people still do prefer other boosts aside from culture. Personally I prefer Main Hall to be buffed particularly if the other player's who buff me are only buffing me when I am offline. It comes down to strategy and preference ultimately.


Good point. But if the cultural buffs boost production and rent, I should be okay. I assign long tasks when I am going to be away, and have to presume the buffs work during that time. Is this not the case? Then I will have to reconsider my request to my Fellowship.


  • Builder Buffs can be stored up until the owner uses them. They don't expire, so they're a good first choice.
  • Cultural Buffs are excellent during the mid-game. But once a city is fully developed the owner doesn't NEED any more Coins nor Supplies.
  • Unfortunately, Coins and Supplies are the only buffs that we get when we aid other folks, and the same logic applies.
  • Main Hall buffs are simple easier to handle, for the owner of a well developed city, and they're both unlimited and faster, because the Main Hall anchors the initial display.


Thanks for the explanation Whisper!!! I call these the dead cities. I have a current neighbor like that that is immediately adjacent to me. I have been wondering what happened in these cases!!! Much appreciated!!