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    Your Elvenar Team

Neighbors in perpetual build


I'd also suggest a focus shift. We want vibrant neighborhoods. Purging inactive cities is a means, not an end.
But a necessary means, at this point. The rolls are bloated with hit-and-run accounts. I love the sandbox solution because if you never make it out of the sandbox you don't clutter the map. Still, there are tens of thousands of dead little ghost towns that need to be swept away to make room for active players. We need both to prevent the masses of hit-and-runs from showing up on the map in the first place and to clear out the ones that are already there.


I'd actually favor a concept whereby a new, or returning, user could "rent a apartment" in an existing city until they reached a minimum level of development and/or until a slot opened up during the next sweep.

They could use the established city as their base of operations for a few days, on the World Map. I don't need to visit any one horse towns.


Dammit, I drop-kicked the laptop and a whole buncha coins came out...but they are only good in Greece.