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    Your Elvenar Team

Neighbors in perpetual build


Untitled 2.1.jpg
I have 2 neighbors whose main hall has been in build mode for 3 days straight, I cannot click or help in any way, is it a glitch or what? There is no way these guys with their little towns have the resources to keep their main halls building in such a manner...besides they are only levels 2 and 3.
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I've also seen this, on workshops and residences and not just the main hall.


Sorry for the late reply on this one.
The issue has been confirmed and we have reported it to the development team for fixing. Thank you for sharing this information.

I'll move this over to the confirmed issues.


On the US1 map, if you need additional examples check:
  • davidfurgerson
  • me2u24all
  • Vedar Orion
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Top example; Maize is no in longer perpetual build, but is now active and responding to messages.


I wonder if this happens when someone logs out or possibly has Flash or their browser crash while they are building...? Perhaps the build status is left in limbo until they log back in to look at it, a la Schrodinger's Cat?


I've seen this issue with some other buildings. My guess would be that they're in the middle of building a building, and then stop playing the game, so it stays in a "Building Mode" so you can "help" them build. Since they never get back to their game, it stays there?


So since this is a known issue it will be fixed in the update today?


This is not a bug... a building will stay as showing it is under construction until the player who started it logs back in to the game.

My apologies for not saying that before I moved this to the 'Not a Bug' section.


This is not a bug... a building will stay as showing it is under construction until the player who started it logs back in to the game.

My apologies for not saying that before I moved this to the 'Not a Bug' section.

so a residence put under construction before logout will not finish and collect coins until the player logs back? I don't know if this really is the intended feature, but I don't think it worked that way couple months ago though.


Yes, that is correct... for residences, they have always worked that way since this game began in Beta. Coins are not produced until a player logs back in after construction is complete.

For other buildings, they simply show they are under continued construction until that time.


I really think that should change. If the build takes 7 hrs then 3 weeks later it should be built!


This is more an issue for neighbors than for the player who is logged out. Specifically, I have several towns around me that were apparently abandoned while the main hall was under construction. The result: I cannot provide/get coins from neighborly help in those towns until (a) the owner logs back in or (b) they are deleted due to 30+ days inactivity. If this is a "feature" it is a bad one!



...me thinks they did not log out of browser properly.


I know if I start a build let say residences the home does not start collecting coins till I log back in. say the upgrade takes 2 hrs and I have the goods going at 3 hr intervals I lose 1hr of taxes that I should have gotten but didn't I would say that is a bug.


This is an even bigger reason to eliminate the inactive players. While fellowships has allowed me to finally get my first assist since I started playing on the first world, it sucks to have 3 neighbors in a perpetual build state now. When can we expect to see the elimination of dead players. I do not think you will see many come back just because you added fellowships. Most of these players quit shortly after or during the long tutorial.


@The Mage - Doesn't matter if you log out or close the browser or dropkick your laptop. If you have something under construction when you disconnect from the server, it stays "almost finished" until your next login.

@riana6767 - The taxes thing is by design; I guess they want to incentivize frequent activity or staying logged in all the time. The dev's don't want those coins to start accumulating until after we acknowledge the completion.

@zoggie - Inactive purging is kind of a pet topic of mine. Briefly, I agree with you. See a topic I posted here, and this one by @Omidawn .