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When I go to gift my neighbours, I can only see the clasped hands most of the time. Occasionally I can see the whole city. I have cleared the cache, the flash drive etc and still get the problem. It is not a time lag either because I have tried waiting for quite a while. I have tried moving to another neighbour and back again with no result. I am guessing where their buildings are from the clasped hands, which is not very satisfying.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?


If you're lucky, clicking on your browser tab and selecting refresh/reload will clear the problems, and if that doesn't do the trick then closing and reopening your browser might be necessary.

You should also click on the gear icon in the lower right corner > Options, and determine if enabling/disabling Hardware Acceleration makes a significant difference.

It the problem is persistent, and ESPECIALLY if you've figured out a way to cause the problem intentionally, then you need to post a Bug Report, including the requested details about your system configuration, so that the developers can replicate and then improve your gaming experience.


I have turned off the hardware acceleration and that seems to have fixed it (for now anyway).
Thanks Katwijk :)