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    Your Elvenar Team

New Backdrop


Well-Known Member
I just saw the new background on the live servers. It is beautiful!
Preparing for the new mini-event and the placement of the Spire no doubt.
However, my grid shows part of my possible building areas hanging in midair! OOPS.
Also with the new layout it looks like there could be new rows of expansions added to the bottom left and right meaning moving from a 12x12 grid to a 13x13 grid, gaining 25 possible expansions.
Aslo an additional thought is that future expansions could be moved to islands off out new coast! Not predicting, just saying.


Well-Known Member
While I like the idea, it looks wrong. My city is too far to the left. My MH is hanging off the edge of a cliff. Buildings are sitting on trees. The areas on the right side are completely gone (that little shoreline on the far right is gone, that stone king/warrior is gone). It's all there in the beta city and there it looks beautiful, but live cities all look like they did a hurry-up job to put it out and didn't consider placement of your city.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think perhaps the grid is one row too far to the left. Unless they want us to be like California, with our buildings falling off into the sea as the cliff erodes beneath us!

Alternative: that after the mermaid event is over and the beaches return to their normal appearance, there will not be such a precipitous cliff on the left side. Fingers crossed!


Oh Wise One


It's no doubt been suggested (think my previous incarnation did way back when, actually), and this isn't really the place, but I don't feel like searching or posting a suggestion. I'd love, like a lot, to be able, outside of events, to select the background for my city from a decent amount of options, both previously created and new, and I think it would be a nice touch of variety given to visiting the cities of others. Since the game appears to use a master picture file below the structures and whatnot, I don't believe it would be that difficult to code or demanding on load.


Well-Known Member
The "floating" phenomenon in the top-right corner is a real problem. In addition, the new background doesn't mesh well with the bits of the old background which were retained. Ashrem's already made a post about that...at least I think Ashrem did. It has a lot of fancy art-grad terms like "perspective" and "Escher" and probably "chiaroscuro". [Insert the Strong Bad "chiaroscuro" bit from the Trogdor episode.] All I can say is, the bottom-left corner -- where the forest turns into a beach, or maybe a swamp? -- and the right side -- where the sea, or maybe a lake?, turns into fog and statues -- well, all I'm saying is they get on my nerves.

In conclusion, TROGDOOOOOOOOR!, thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Well-Known Member
One of my cities is also falling off the cliff and hanging partially in midair.

While I like aspects of the new backdrop, I do hope they put the original one back after the event is over. In one of my cities, right before this new backdrop hit, I had just opened some expansions deliberately extending my city toward the bottom-right corner because I liked the cliffs over there with the path and stone stairs leading up to the city and such. Now the very things I was building toward are all gone...


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
Aesthetics aside, the minor glitches are annoying but hardly worth the time spent typing to complain about them. Do they restrict or damage the game play? Probably not. And since your sensitivities to visual changes fade very quickly -- meaning you get used to it pretty quickly -- any problems not effecting game play should be ignored over those them do or might. That's my humble (or not) opinion.

I do like the idea of more expansions and the new look though, if after a couple days I will no longer notice it.



OK, now that I've figured out how to zoom out without crashing my computer (even using Chrome) I find myself feeling really cheated by the whole "hanging city" effect caused by the city grid being placed too high. Why, you ask? Because the complete backdrop, seen when zooming out to 50 percent using Chrome tools shows the whole thing: the turtle, the rocks on the bottom of the sea/lake, the submerged cliffsides (which you only get a glimpse of now). The whole picture is AWESOME!!! Why can't they just move the city grid a bit further down (still leaving enough space for one more row of expansions) we could actually see these amazing things without having to zoom out so far! :(