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New Craftable Set Building(s)

New Craftable Set Building(s)

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Edited Post:

I am proposing a new craftable set (or a set that starts as the prize for an event, and later becomes craftable).

This would be a three building set, and the base pieces would give:

Bldg 1= T1 boosted goods (amount chapter based); 1st link bonus=supplies/mana (chapter based); 2nd link bonus = 1 CC
Bldg 2= T2 boosted goods (amount chapter based); 1st link bonus=Supplies/Mana/Seeds (chapter based); 2nd link bonus = 1 CC
Bldg 3= coins (amount chapter based); 1st link bonus = supplies (amount chapter based); 2nd link bonus = 1 CC

Pros: This would provide a fun new set for players to put in their cities. It would also give another source for combining catalysts, which would help players in all stages with crafting. The combination of goods benefits both fighting and negotiating play style.

Cons: Developer time to design/program new building and progression. Currently no proposed design/appearance or theme for the building, so that would also require developer time. Possible risk for trade imbalances.
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With the Moonstone set now limited to one per player for those just starting the game, it would be good to add another set that would provide combining catalysts and some other goods.

This could be a three-five building set, like the chess set, moonstone library and the winter magic sets from previous events. These would be available to craft in the MA. When combined, they would provide combining catalysts, mana and either a T2 boosted+x or gold or supplies. Each building would give some type of goods, but at least one of them would provide combining catalysts.

Pros: This would provide a fun new set for players to put in their cities. It would also give another source for combining catalysts, which would help players in all stages with crafting. It would also allow new players to make up for the loss of mana available from mana plants in the moonstone set. By giving T2 other than scrolls (for 2/3rds of the players), it would help to balance the scrolls inventory. If players could have another building that provides catalysts, they might be willing to tear down some moonstone libraries in favour of this building, which would help bring T2 goods back into balance.

Cons: Limiting this to one to a player still does not make up the gap in CCs that those of us with multiple library sets have. Including goods might have consequences to the trade market.

Discussion: What might the building look like? What is the best combination of goods to accompany the combining catalysts? Should there be multiple options to provide boosts in T1, T2, T3, T4...?

The easiest solution is to return the moonstone set to the spire but fix the endless scroll so that it only gives scrolls for the first connection and then something else for subsequent connections.
There are a ton of different ways to fix the "too many scrolls" issue with this set and removing it from the spire is probably the worst one.


Mathematician par Excellence
fix the endless scroll so that it only gives scrolls for the first connection and then something else for subsequent connections.
But the library also gives loads of scrolls as a base ability before any connections.
Besides, I'm fairly convinced that the developers actually think that they fixed the scrolls issue, so changing the moonstone set remains a separate issue from this suggestion since it's legacy multiple sets that are the core problem.
If players could have another building that provides catalysts, they might be willing to tear down some moonstone libraries in favour of this building, which would help bring T2 goods back into balance.
The main issue I have with this is that as a non-rank player more is simply better.
Currently, I have factories and moonstone sets.
The moonstone sets are better.
If you offer me something, especially just one of something that is better than my moonstone set I will replace a factory, not a moonstone set.


Well-Known Member
The main issue I have with this is that as a non-rank player more is simply better.
Currently, I have factories and moonstone sets.
The moonstone sets are better.
If you offer me something, especially just one of something that is better than my moonstone set I will replace a factory, not a moonstone set.

True. I only have three sets, but I am not likely to get rid of any of them. So, that might not be an upside, but having another building available for new players would at least help to address the CC issue (I realize there is debate about whether or not it is actually an issue), and give another option for new players to craft and place. As a scrolls-boosted player, I replaced some T2 factory production with moonstones, so I definitely see your point.

Unless we use your other suggestion to encourage players to demolish moonstones (or replace one with this new building after a few chapters, rather than using RRs):

Limited like the chess set, (at least for the CC piece) but also based on moonstone, so if you have more than 1 moonstone set you can't get the new set at all :p

So, if somebody wanted what this new set offered, more than they wanted extra moonstones, this might work (of course, it might be a tough sell).

But, let's say we focus on those players who don't (or now can't) have more than one moonstone. It would still be good to give them an option to gain CCs from a source other than the MA and Spire. I certainly use ever CC I get. I keep my MA producing CCs 24/7, get gold spire every week and have three moonstones, and I would still be happy to have more CCs.
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Flippers just flip
People are never going to give up their moonstone sets. I am sure they would love a new set of buildings to complement their current set.
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Well-Known Member
I think the suggestion should be divorced from the moonstone issue altogether.

It would be really nice to be able to get CCs from more buildings.
Okay, so completely divorcing this from the moonstone set issue.

I am proposing a new craftable set (or a set that started as the prize for an event, and later became craftable).

Base pieces give:
Building 1: T1+0 and supplies/mana
Building 2: T2+0 and supplies/mana/seeds
Building 3: T3+0 and a combining catalyst
Linking all three pieces gives you three combining catalysts

Any thoughts?


Active Member
My Boneyard currently consists of 5 Moonstone Gates, 2 Moonstone Libraries, 8 Endless Scrolls, 9 Gum Trees and 11 Mana Plants. Over the past year I am ashamed to say I have carelessly deleted roughly the same amount of pieces while rearranging my city. Now that the Spire has stopped issuing them and they can only be produced through one's MA I have begun giving the set the respect it deserves. There is no other building or set in my city that produces anything close to the Boneyard. I hope to keep producing these gems in my Academy until they pull the plug.



Buddy Fan Club member
Okay, so completely divorcing this from the moonstone set issue.
You really need to make a separate thread for a different idea/suggestion.
The process is such that the only thing that ever gets to the devs is the original post. The original poster has to conform to the requirements in the Ideas/Suggestions Forum Guide and edit the post to reflect anything in the discussion before asking a mod to put it up for vote. Once up for vote, no changes to that post are allowed. Then, if voting is favorable, the devs have agreed to look at only that post. They never see any of the discussion.
Edit to add: only after I posted did I see that you are the original poster here, lol! Guess you just need to decide what to put in the original post.


Well-Known Member
You really need to make a separate thread for a different idea/suggestion.
The process is such that the only thing that ever gets to the devs is the original post. The original poster has to conform to the requirements in the Ideas/Suggestions Forum Guide and edit the post to reflect anything in the discussion before asking a mod to put it up for vote. Once up for vote, no changes to that post are allowed. Then, if voting is favorable, the devs have agreed to look at only that post. They never see any of the discussion.
Edit to add: only after I posted did I see that you are the original poster here, lol! Guess you just need to decide what to put in the original post.
Okay, I edited the original post. Hopefully I get some feedback. :)


Buddy Fan Club member
Building 1: T1+0 and supplies/mana
Building 2: T2+0 and supplies/mana/seeds
Building 3: T3+0 and a combining catalyst
Linking all three pieces gives you three additional combining catalysts
I'm assuming the amount of the base production of goods is chapter based. How are you distributing the link bonuses? I see a missing link bonus, see bolded in example below:
Bldg 1 base production=T1 boosted goods; 1st link bonus=Supplies/Mana (chapter based); 2nd link bonus=1 CC
Bldg 2 base production=T2 boosted goods; 1st link bonus=Supplies/Mana/Seeds (chapter based); 2nd link bonus=1CC
Bldg 3 base production=T3 boosted goods; 1st link bonus=???; 2nd link bonus=1CC

Also, I'd list developer time and new artwork as possible cons. They like us to acknowledge that it does take some dev resources even on simple things and for a new bldg set, I'd acknowledge the art/design as also requiring company resources.
I like the idea!
Personally, I'd prefer no T3 goods as I think there's way too many bldgs that give those already. Also, I'd consider substituting one of the Supplies with Coins (with diplomacy in Spire and Coins now in tourneys for catering for all chapters, I think many players who are a mix of combat and negotiating would like both). But, if that all stays the same, I'd still vote for it.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming the amount of the base production of goods is chapter based. How are you distributing the link bonuses? I see a missing link bonus, see bolded in example below:
Bldg 1 base production=T1 boosted goods; 1st link bonus=Supplies/Mana (chapter based); 2nd link bonus=1 CC
Bldg 2 base production=T2 boosted goods; 1st link bonus=Supplies/Mana/Seeds (chapter based); 2nd link bonus=1CC
Bldg 3 base production=T3 boosted goods; 1st link bonus=???; 2nd link bonus=1CC

Also, I'd list developer time and new artwork as possible cons. They like us to acknowledge that it does take some dev resources even on simple things and for a new bldg set, I'd acknowledge the art/design as also requiring company resources.
I like the idea!
Personally, I'd prefer no T3 goods as I think there's way too many bldgs that give those already. Also, I'd consider substituting one of the Supplies with Coins (with diplomacy in Spire and Coins now in tourneys for catering for all chapters, I think many players who are a mix of combat and negotiating would like both). But, if that all stays the same, I'd still vote for it.
Thanks. Great feedback. :)


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'd prefer no T3 goods as I think there's way too many bldgs that give those already. Also, I'd consider substituting one of the Supplies with Coins (with diplomacy in Spire and Coins now in tourneys for catering for all chapters, I think many players who are a mix of combat and negotiating would like both).

Hmmm... I did supplies to mana to seeds because that seems to be the way most buildings change as they go through chapters, but I definitely see the value in NOT changing some, or adding coins to the mix. Maybe switch out the T3 goods for coins (I agree with you, we do have a lot of buildings that give T3 goods), with the first link bonus being supplies. That way, even as you progress through chapters, you always keep supplies and gold coming from the building.

Bldg 1= T1 boosted goods (amount chapter based); 1st link bonus=supplies/mana (chapter based); 2nd link bonus = 1 CC
Bldg 2= T2 boosted goods (amount chapter based); 1st link bonus=Supplies/Mana/Seeds (chapter based); 2nd link bonus = 1 CC
Bldg 3= coins (amount chapter based); 1st link bonus = supplies (amount chapter based); 2nd link bonus = 1 CC

I will add the developer time, graphics design, etc, to the cons.

Soleil Nightbloom

Well-Known Member
I hope that your idea will help newer players who have a difficult time getting CCs due to their MA being at a lower level, them not yet researching the spire or once in the spire having a difficult time getting through the first level. I feel that these buildings might be a good option for them :)


Buddy Fan Club member
Guessing you just forgot, but usually the thread prefix is changed to 'Voting' once the poll has been started. The bright red prefix is helpful for folks to know an idea has been finalized and has a poll attached.