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    Your Elvenar Team

Hello New Member


I am a relatively new player (about 2 weeks) to this game. I did a 1 yr + tour of FoE, but it got to be to intense and time demanding with heavy emphasis on fighting. I'm more into building, and growth, with fighting when needed, not as a way of life. I had too much of that back in the 60's.
Obviously, I am somewhat beyond the "Senior Citizen entry level" age, but I'm still very active. I live in the South Texas Gulf Coast area, about 20 clicks N of Corpus Christi.
In gaming, I tend to almost daily help friends and nice people.....not so much those who aren't. I enjoy the comaraderie of Guilds, Groups, Alliances, Fellowships, etc, and usually will be willing to share my Patron with others. I have no problem emulating others who are more advanced & knowledgable than I am, and will readily share what little I know/have with others.
I believe that games should be, above all, Fun. Please feel free to visit me in AElfwin Dell at any time. I'll keep the Patron chilled, and the limes available. (or is it the Vodka that is chilled? Oh well, whatever.)
Sandy (aka, Apache Roamer)


hi nice post, I've been playing for about two weeks as well. Although I love it, haven't really met anyone per se(definitely not for a lac of trying). Living i coastal Virginia and waiting for hunting season.
Talyn(Tava Ne Caro)