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    Your Elvenar Team

New Players Thread?


Is there a thread for new players with stupid questions? One question I have is how do I get neighbors?


No thread like that. But just ask any stupid question you have. I am sure I had many more! :)

Click on the little globe/world icon on the bottom of your screen and that will take you to the world. You will automatically have a few neighbors around you. Then you either fight or negotiate on the provinces (hexagon spaces) around you. The further you explore, the more neighbors you will have. The beginning tutorial helps a bit.

Once you have neighbors that you can visit, click on their cities and go see what they have built! If you click on the little hand icon under their name on the top left side of the screen, you will get an opportunity to give them "neighborly help". If you click on their main hall you give them coins. Click on a builder's hut and their builders work harder. Click on a culture icon and they get double the culture. Plus, when you help them, you get coins too! Win win!

You can visit all your neighbors once a day. It is a great way to help your neighbors and get coins! If they visit you, you get the bonuses I just mentioned above. I am on arendyll world. Feel free to ask me any questions there!

(You can find any player by clicking on the ranking under the player name and entering a name in the search bar).


They are already there. You just have to go out into the world map to "discover" them! :)


There are no stupid questions. Please feel free to use the Questions and Help section as much as you want to get all your questions answered. For more complicated questions and/or problems, you can use the support system as well.