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    Your Elvenar Team

New tournament format


Just wanted to say great job on these new tourney format. It is SOOOO much faster and better. I love only 1 encounter per province, it makes it so I can manually fight a few. It was pointless to attempt to manually fight when I had to do 80-100 encounters per round, but now I can select a handful of fights where I think I can outperform auto-fighting and save troops.

Not repeating the same troop combo encounters province after province is nice too. That was so boring and repetitive when you do 25-30 provinces.

The difficulty/squad size increase is fair too. It will slow down some of the KP farming high end players were doing with like 3+ alt cities. I think the challenge starting around province 20.

Excellent update. Huge quality of play improvement. Thanks!


Active Member
I like it a great deal so far myself. Much less tedious . More when I get to the end (disclosure chapter IV, only 6 tourney provinces)


New Member
I really like the new format, however I have a few issues.
1. I used a bunch of health and attack bonus buildings, plus feeding the Phoenix, and I used 191 squads of just Archer's. When with the old system I would use 50 to 70 squads (of the most used unit type) with less bonus buildings.

2. You would think your own squad size would stay the same in every encounter (depending on your level in research tree).

3. The province encounters still appear to be harder depending on how far you have researched. I have a few cities from different accounts, and my lower level cities have it much easier in the first 10 provinces than my high level cities. Why is that? Shouldn't it be easier the higher level I am?