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    Your Elvenar Team

Hello Newb in da house...


Love the game...great fight scenes! I choose an Elven community and am curious if anyone, human that is, can tell me what their world is like? Thanks!


Hello and welcome to the forums. Make sure you check out the current competition going on. If you have any questions feel free to ask :)


Welcome Juju ...if you want to check out a human city (don't know why you would when the Elves are so great) but just click on a humans city in your world map and it will take you there...you can even give them a 'helping hand' while you are there as we are all in short supply of this.

Otherwise go the the ranking sign, the symbol under your profile picture, and then use the arrows at the bottom to get to the number one players and you can see how both the human and elfish cities can look like with a bit of hard work, time and in some cases a few diamonds...
Gives the rest of us something to aim for and to know what a fantastic job the graphics team have done so far :rolleyes::):oops: