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    Your Elvenar Team

News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!


Set Designer

Deadeye Jerry - Beta CM05/23/2024 at 4:49 PM​

Hi everyone! Brace yourselves! On, May 30th we will start a new round of Fellowship Adventures, so get your Fellowships together and grab some nice rewards! There'll be new rewards:
  • Map 1
    • AWKP 15
    • Carting Library
    • Time Booster 10m (x10)
  • Map 2
    • AWKP 20 (x2)
    • Tome of Grand Hive*
    • Time Booster 30m (x15)
  • Map 3
    • Ferris Wheel Galore
    • Verdant Phoenix Artifact
    • Time Booster 45m (x25)
  • Contents of Tome of Grand Hive:
    • The High Hive
    • Pupa Nest
    • Pollen Pantry
    • Sentry Post
    • Fiddlin' Foliage
    • The Gilded Jar
This round of the Fellowship Adventures ends on June 5th. Let us know in [link removed] if you come across any problems. Your thoughts are also always welcome in ⁠[link removed]! Thank you for your help and assistance!


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member

This round of the Fellowship Adventures ends on June 5th. Let us know in [link removed] if you come across any problems. Your thoughts are also always welcome in ⁠[link removed]! Thank you for your help and assistance!

Let us know what you think in "link removed" ... Your thoughts are also always welcome in "link removed."

That just speaks volumes to me, lol.


Set Designer
Let us know what you think in "link removed" ... Your thoughts are also always welcome in "link removed."

That just speaks volumes to me, lol.

I intentionally remove discord links (as @Yogi Dave did from the start) as this thread is about porting discord information over to those without access to it. Having discord links does not give any better accessibility to those who rely on this thread for the information.


Set Designer

Deadeye Jerry - Beta CM06/03/2024 at 6:02 AM​

Hi everyone! With the next deployment on Beta, the city grid will increase, and a new expansion will be available from Scouted Provinces (if you complete 700 provinces) - this is related to the upcoming Chp22, which is planned to release in around a month on Beta. Thank you for your help and assistance!


Set Designer

Deadeye Jerry - Beta CM06/05/2024 at 12:41 PM​

Hi everyone! We have a new Event coming up!

Marine Marvels - On Beta from June 7th​

In the vibrant reefs of the ocean, an extraordinary event is about to unfold. The Marine Marvels Show has come to your Kingdom! This aquatic celebration brings the wonders of the sea to life in a dazzling display of skill, grace, and balance. Reserve your tickets early for the highlight of the event, Puff's Nautical Theater, featuring the amazing pufferfish Puff performing alongside trapeze artists! Join Rufus in celebrating the ocean's wonders with trapeze artists, gymnasts, and synchronized dance shows that showcase the art of body and motion.

Main Prize: Evolution building called Puff's Nautical Theater.​

The building produces Culture, Population, Coins, and Standard Precious Goods, Orc, Knowledge Points depending on the building's level.

Additionally, there are two new Daily Exclusive Buildings: Torrent of Teamwork and Symphony of the Sirens.​

The building Torrent of Teamwork produces Culture and Barracks Light Melee and the building Symphony of the Sirens produces Culture and Mana. This event will also feature the Leagues system and the Royal Prize Pass. We're happy to hear your feedback in the dedicated channel [link removed] and you can discuss about the event in ⁠[link removed]. Bugs can be reported in the ⁠ [link removed] as always! Thank you for your help and interest in beta. Kind regards, Your Elvenar Team


Set Designer

Deadeye Jerry - Beta CM06/07/2024 at 4:32 PM​

Dear Humans and Elves, On June 9th, the reward dataset for the Spire of Eternity will be adjusted for the next 6 weeks. Changes:
  • Juul's Traveling Kitchen will be phased out as a possible reward for the Spire of Eternity.
  • Dragonheart Estate Artifacts and a craftable building will be phased in instead.
  • The Astral Phoenix Artifacts will also be phased in for crafting.
Kind regards, Your Elvenar Team


Set Designer

Deadeye Jerry - Beta CM06/16/2024 at 8:20 AM​

Hi everyone! Some bugs have been fixed
  • A display issue was fixed that showed a wrong amount of available Spire Archive points.
  • We have fixed an issue that prevented the Enchantment spells from being applied.
  • The Culture Neighborly help issue was fixed, and now it works as intended.
  • We have fixed an issue that sometimes prevented collecting settlement resources.
  • Other small bugs have been fixed.
Let us know in [link removed] if you come across any problems. Your thoughts are also always welcome in [link removed] and⁠ the other chats. Thank you for your help and assistance!


Set Designer
Chapter 22 preview.

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Well-Known Member
Interesting, I don't see the images. I can see there is an image supposed to be there, but the image is not showing. I refreshed, cleared the cache, tried another browser...it just says image.png, not clickable, not copyable, can't do anything with it


Set Designer
Interesting, I don't see the images. I can see there is an image supposed to be there, but the image is not showing. I refreshed, cleared the cache, tried another browser...it just says image.png, not clickable, not copyable, can't do anything with it
Looks like there is some indexing change on the address. I reposted them and it appears to work but may have to upload them to a better location should these new ones expire.

EDIT: Uploaded the images up to this site (so they should be permanent now). It appears the discord image cache is only good for about a day.
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